
38 1 0

shane's pov

I take a sip of my coldbrew and start making my way home.

As I go around the street corner, I see this pretty boy. Another boy was holding his wrist. He seemed to be dragging him along. The pretty boy looked so broken. He clearly didn't want to be dragged along by this guy. I wanted to go punch the mean boy in the face but stopped myself, minding my own business. Mabye I just had seen it in the wrong way.

I shut the door to my apartment and sit down on the small couch.
All I could think about was this pretty boy.

I felt guilty.
What if the mean boy had done something bad to him?
What if the mean boy was abusing him?

I was probably wrong, but the thought made me feel guilty for some reason.

I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep, the pretty boy still on my mind.

hiya, idk about this book. It's like in the middle of the night and this just came up in my head.
let me know if I should continue this!

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