Something About His Eyes

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All Marvel characters do not belong to me, they all belong to Disney.

Heimdall warned the warriors about the dangers of Jotunheim before sending them out, but none of them seemed concerned, especially Thor. It worried the Watcher that Thor would do more than just get answers from the Frost Giants. If he did anything other than speak, the treaty would be broken and there would be war. That was the last thing that anyone in Asgard wanted. Think before you act, your majesty.

"I have no plans to die today," Thor said proudly.

"None do." With that, Heimdall sent the warriors down to Jotunheim, skeptic of Thor's intentions.

The warriors looked around the cold realm once they feet landed on the cold ground. It was a ghost town. It seemed like no one bothered to rebuild after the great war of Asgard and Jotunheim. Rocks and ice fell to the ground. The dark, cold clouds didn't make the realm look any more comforting. The look of the place and the hidden Frost Giants made the warriors uneasy, except for Thor. Thor looked angry, ready to throw Mjolnir to whomever stands in his way.

"We shouldn't be here," Hogan said, concerned that this was a mistake.

Thor still would not budge. "Let's move."

They all walked toward the throne. Still, no one showed up. No one bothered to concern about the trespassing Asgardians. Just the thought of the Frost Giants popping out of nowhere and attacking set them over the edge. This was truly a mistake. What were they thinking? What was Thor thinking?

"Where are they?" Sif asked, unable to contain her uneasy feeling. She looked around.

Thor continued to look forward, unconcerned whatsoever, only wanting to get to his destination. "Hiding, as cowards always do."

They got to the throne. Everything looked cold, broken, and lonely. The only presence of life in the realm was two Frost Giant guards at each side of the throne, with a larger Frost Giant sitting in the middle. "You've come a long way to die, Asgardians."

Thor got straight to the point, not daring to be threatened by the king's words. "I am Thor Odinson."

"We know who you are."

"How did your people get into Asgard?"

Laufey slowly looked at them slowly with a serious but menacing look. "The house of Odin is full of traitors."

That made Thor mad. How dare he say that about his father, about Asgard. "Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!"

Laufey quickly stood up, offended that Odin is defended while he took everything away from them, from him. What the king of Asgard has taken cannot be forgiven. "Your father is a murderer and a thief. And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man."

As if it were a signal, Frost Giant began to appear and surround the Asgardians.

"Well this 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery, " Thor said, getting annoyed. He looked ready to fight the king and his people. The Frost Giants sensed it and turned their hands into ice, ready to defend.

Loki sensed it too. He ran to Thor to stop him before he might do something he and everyone else would regret. "Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we're outnumbered."

"Know your place, Brother," Thor almost interrupted, clearly not having it.

"You know not what your actions would unleash. I do," Laufey said, looking down on the ground. Then he looked at the younger prince, a sense of regret and sorrow filling his heart. He saw that the young prince noticed and a face of concern and confusion was plastered on him. Laufey didn't want to fight him. "Go now, while I still allow it." Laufey walked toward them.

"We will accept your most gracious offer," Loki said. Laufey was glad that he accepted. The young prince was smarter than he thought, unlike his brother.

Thor looked at Loki in frustration, then back at Laufey. There was an awkward silence until Loki said, "Come on, brother."

At that moment, Laufey knew that he hated the oldest Odinson as well as Odin. The younger prince he liked, and not because he seemed more reasonable. "Run back home, little princess."

With that, there was battle. Odin had to save them.

Frigga had convinced Odin not to banish Thor for his foolish actions. Sadly, though, as Heimdall feared, the treaty between the Frost Giants and the Asgardians were broken. Now they were at war. The Asgardians got prepared for any attack that the Frost Giants had to throw at them.

Loki sat in his room on his bed. He couldn't stop thinking about the look that Laufey gave him. It was a look that he couldn't imagine a Frost Giant would give. Could it be that he was wrong about the Frost Giants? Underneath all that coldness, could it be possible that they have a speck of warmth inside their hearts? But the look in his eyes. It was more than warmth.

There was a knock on his door. Frigga opened it. "Can I come in, Darling."

Loki smiled at his loving mother. "When have I refused a visit from you, Mother."

Frigga laughed and sat next to her younger son. She put a hand on his cheek. "Darling, that was a really foolish thing you and your brother did. The treaty is now broken and we are at war."

"When is there not war? I knew it was foolish the moment I stepped into the Bifrost, but I knew there was no stopping Thor. I may be younger, but both brothers must always look out for each other, no matter how foolish."

"I know."

Loki sighed. If he could talk to anybody about what he had witnessed, it would be his mother. She saw the good in everybody. Maybe she was right all along and there has always been warmth in the Frost Giants' hearts, but it's just buried deep.

"Mother, I saw something in Laufey that I have not seen before. There was something about his eyes that I cannot take my mind of. He looked directly at me."

Frigga's hands shook. She swallowed hard, but she did well to hide it. "And what did you see in his eyes?"


Hi y'all. Thank you so much for reading. Sorry this took so long (you know how school is). I hope that y'all liked the chapter. Chapter 2 is coming soon, so stay tuned. God bless you :).

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