Chapter 9

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I kept on staring at the person in front of me intently. We were both seated in a restaurant close by after deciding it was best to talk far away from Ryan's house.

"What were you doing in Ryan's house?" I asked after the waiter took our orders.

"I came to visit" Came the curt reply with her trademark smile on.

I was still confused. Does she know him? "I don't still understand" I decided to say. I was in suspense here.

"I usually visit him" Okay this was going too far.

"What is your relationship with him?"

"He is my son" What? Her son? How? It was really a small world.

"I came to tell him about my engagement" Yet another bomb.

"Engagement?" My mouth was wide in shock. I was dumbfounded. Dad never told me. I only knew they were dating. I know that's where dating would lead to but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"Well, John and I planned that we would both tell our kids today but I met you first. Sorry" Sarah said politely.

I felt my lungs tighten and the world was now spinning. "Are you okay?"

I held my head as if the spinning would stop and took a sip from the glass filled with water in front of me before I replied. "Yes"

Curious, I asked "How did Ryan take it?"

"Not very well" She said with a hint of sadness. "You two know each other?"

"I guess. Just by our names though. We don't get along that well"

"You guys should given the fact that you too would be siblings. Don't worry, I would talk to him" I simply nodded, my mind racing with thoughts. Ryan's mother was Sarah Thompson and we were supposed to get along. I don't even know that guy. Last I checked, he hurt me. God know what he would do next.

Should I  risk my safety just for Dad even when I know what he's doing would hurt Mum. Come to think of it, when would Dad actually tell her?

"Melissa? Melissa?"


"I have to go. Do take care." With that said she walked out of the restaurant after paying for the food leaving me alone to my thoughts.

She was sweet though but what I don't understand is why Ryan was the opposite of her. Now that she's even mentioned it, Ryan does look like her.

I banged my head on the table continuously until the waiter brought the food we had ordered earlier. The waiter looked at me as if I was going crazy if not already crazy and excused himself.  I can't blame him. I was really going mad with all this. Should I eat and face my problems later or just go and tackle them now?
I decided to bury myself in the food and face my problems later.

    *                     *                       *

Once I stepped out of the restaurant, my phone started ringing. It was Dad. Probably calling to tell me about the 'big news'.


"Hey sweetheart. How you?" I rolled my eyes. Go straight to the point. "I'm fine Dad. You?

"Good. Okay, I called to let you know that I'm in your school. I have something to tell you" I could literally hear his  happiness over the phone

"Something like you are engaged?" I could hear him question me over the silence. "I bumped into Sarah and she told me"

"Oh. So?"

"So you have to tell Mum"

"I am going to tell her next week when I go see T"

I sighed "Promise?"

"Promise. Sarah and I would come visit you today by 6. I love you"

"Love you too Dad" I let a small smile show knowing Mum would finally let go and be at peace then the line went dead.

     *                      *                           *

   "5,6,7,8 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4"

"Geez Mel, we've been practicing for hours there's still tomorrow. Let's go home" I have been listening to Chelsea's whine for the past 2 hours.

"We have to practice so that tomorrow we can all merge the different dances" I said not trying to hide the anger in my voice. We've just practiced for 2 hours after classes and she was complaining?

"Well, practice on your own. Bye." She took her stuff and walked out of the studio.

I groaned in frustration and decided to practice on my own which I did until the time read 5:48pm.  I had to go prepare to meet Dad and Sarah.

I packed my stuffs and decided to run home and got there eight minutes later with a few mins to spare.

I opened my hostel room door to let myself inside.

"Guys I'm back" I called out as I took off my shoes.

"Baby, you are back. I've been waiting for you."

"Mum? How did you get in?" I asked shocked.

"Marj let me in before going for her evening class. You don't seem happy to see me?" She half asked.

"I am" Of course I'm not. Dad would be here any minute and I don't want her to find out like these. What do I do? What do I do?

My head snapped to the door once I heard a knock. "Expecting someone?" I just stood their dumbfounded. My mum got up from where she sat to open the door.

"Mum!!" I was too late she had already opened the door. Though I couldn't see who was there, but her face told me all I needed to know.

She finally opened her mouth to speak "What are you doing here and who is this?"

     *                       *                          *

A/N: What do you guys think would happen now?

Thank you guys for reading. Love y'all. Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow

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