Chapter Fourteen: Date

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Felix... If I pinch myself here do you feel it?" Jisung asks and I started to act like I did feel it.

"Ow ow, dude that hurt" I say and he looks so shocked.

"What? You can feel it?" He asks

"No. It doesn't work that way, Jisung" I tell him bluntly and he just rolls his eyes

He starts sticking his tongue out and I do the same and we end up making some whack faces at each other and eventually we just start laughing at everything. After a while, we enjoy our coffee in silence, just enjoying each other's company because sometimes you don't need to talk to enjoy each other. I feel like that's how comfortable I am with Jisung, other than the fact that he's my soulmate, just knowing that he's in the same area as me, makes me feel a lot safer.

"Felix" He says and I look up at him curiously as his eyes are focused on the candle light in between us.

"Trust me, okay? Just keep doing what you're doing." He says and he looks at me seriously and I send him a really warm smile.

"I know I whine a lot and all, but I really do listen to you, because I trust you." I tell him and he start smiling back at me.

"You know that I love you, right?" Jisung says and I giggle at the sudden confession

"I love you too, soulmate" I say sticking out my pinkie finger and he grabs it with his own as if we were making a promise to always be there for each other.

"Honestly, what would I do without you, Jisung-ie" I say and he releases this cocky laugh.

"You'd probably be crying because you're a BIG BABY!" He suddenly says

"YA! I wasn't the one crying when Minho forgot to say good morning to you!" I say and his eyes widen as if he saw a challenge.

"OH YEAH! Well I wasn't the one crying when Hyunjin was cuddling with Changbin-hyung!" He says teasingly

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" I yell at him

"MAKE ME!" He yells back.

Let's just say, it's a good thing we were the only ones left in the cafe, or else all our secrets would've been out and we would have bothered so many people with our yelling.

Eventually our van comes to pick us up and bring us back to the dorm. Jisung runs to his room after he slaps me in the ass while I go and make a midnight snack because, WHY NOT? Right??

I start looking around the kitchen to see what we have and I calculate that there are enough stuff to make a batch of brownies. I might as well make a lot so that the boys have breakfast tomorrow. I start gathering the ingredients and I mix everything that I need to. The kitchen starts getting messier but I'll clean that up later.

While mixing I heard a creaking sound behind me and I see that it's Hyunjin holding a pitcher of water and an empty glass. I look at the time on my phone and see that it's... OH FUCK IT'S 1 AM... shit.

"Good morning Hyunjin-hyung!" I say with a smile and he smiles back

"Good morning, Felix! Why the hell are you baking at 1am" He asks with a sassy tone.

"I've had too many people judge me today, so I'm just going to say, why not?" I tell him as I mix the batter.

"What are you talking about, the day just started." Hyunjin says and I roll my eyes at him

"HAR HAR HAR! So funny, I'm laughing so hard" I say with a SHIT TON of sarcasm and I can hear Hyunjin laughing from his area.

My focus goes back to mixing the batter then suddenly, I see a finger being dipped smack center of the batter, and When Hyunjin lifts his finger, he licks the batter. I look at him with complete shock and betrayal.

"DID YOU JUST PUT YOUR FINGER IN MY BATTER?" I say with utter dismay

"No, you put your batter on my finger!" He says then he proceeds to wipe his finger on my shirt.

I am being attacked.

"I feel so violated" I say with disappointment in my voice and Hyunjin keeps laughing.

"Oh yeah?" He says then he grabs a bunch of flour and throws it at my shirt. I look at him and see his face has this cocky smirk as if he was challenging me. The smart thing to do is that let it go and just mind my own business...


So I just start grabbing the different powders and start throwing at his face but he got a pan and used it as a shield. THIS WAS WAR!

This was the ugliest war the world has ever seen. Casualties every where, debris flying, soldiers still fighting after being attacked. This was not for those who can not stomach the battle, the gore, and the-

"WHY THE HELL IS IT A MESS HERE" We both hear Chan yell from the kitchen entrance.

"HE STARTED IT" Hyunjin and I both said at the same time and Chan just shook his head and started rubbing his temples.

"It better be clean by breakfast, understood?" Chan said and we both nod then I made eye contact with Hyunjin and Started sticking out my tongue and he did the same.

"CLEAN. NOW" Chan says and he walks back in to his room.

As we went to start cleaning, Hyunjin and I both caught up with what was happening in our lives. He was telling me about how he was learning how to produce from Changbin-hyung and I told him how I got close to Johnny-hyung and in general, this was nice. We were just talking, as if there was no tension between us, and it was nice.

After cleaning we put the brownie batter in the oven and we both get a glass of water because FUCK that was a SHIT TON OF FLOUR everywhere!

"Hey, Felix.... Can we be friends again?" Hyunjin asks out of no where and I almost spit out my water from shock because I didn't expect this.

"I mean, I know we have our own history but, I miss just being able to hang out and just talk" Hyunjin says while he smiles warmly at me.

Honestly, it may not be exactly what I wanted but it's better than not having him at all in my life. PLUS, how could I say no to the face.

"FIINEEE! I guess we can be friends" I add an eye roll for effect and he starts laughing at me.

We continue to catch up and talk about the most useless things ever while waiting for the brownies to finish but little did I know that there was someone watching us from inside their room.


I slowly and quietly close the door after I see my soulmate and HIS BITCH finally reconcile and I go to lie down on my bed.

"Are they finally friends?" Minho asks me from across the room.

"Yeah, Finally!" I tell him as I sit up and I give Minho a mischievous smile.

"Is it finally time?" He asks

"Yup! Message Jeongin and Seungmin, tell them Operation:FFGAB is finally a go!" I tell him and he just rolls his eyes and shakes his head

"Why the hell is it calle Operation:FFGAB?" Minho asks

"Operation: Felix Finally Gets A Boy.... Duh.....SEE! NOW IT's Operation:FFGABD! Thank's a lot Minho!" I tell him and he just rolls his eyes one more time then proceeds to texts the kids.

It's go time!


WAAAHHHHH!!!!! slowly but surely getting to the end

I just wanna say a small thank you for supporting this story!! MAY HYUNLIX LIVE ON!


You are all beautiful and precious!

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