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                                          Who is the author of Nahjul Balagha?

Sharif ar-Radhi lived in Baghdad, Iraq (a center of Islamic learning) and compiled the book four centuries after Hijrat.  He was a student of Shaykh al-Mufid. He was a very pious Shia scholar and Sayyid born in the year 359 A.H and his full name used to be Muhammad bin Husayn.  His parents were Saddat (descendants of the Holy Prophet).  His father was a descendant of the 7th Imam and his mother was a descendant of the 4th Imam.  

Sharif ar-Radhi attended many classes, lectures and religious gatherings and was respected by many people including Sunnis and non-Muslims.  He died in the year 406/1015 in his hometown. His grave is located in Kazmain, Iraq. He is popularly known by his laqab (nickname) Razi. He wrote several books on Islamic issues and interpretation of the Quran. His best-known book is Nahjul-Balaghah.

Sharif ar Radhi was the title given to him, Muhammad bin Husayn was his real name

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Sharif ar Radhi was the title given to him, Muhammad bin Husayn was his real name. The title 'al-Sharif' was a common title used for those who were descendants of the Prophet (PBUH) from both the maternal and paternal sides (now commonly used for al-Sharif is al-Sayyid) .


There is no more info about the author that is the reason the chapter is short and starting from tommorow i will  write about each sermon.



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