The Note | Ishida Uryu X Reader

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You held the sake bottle like you would a throwing knife, and waited until the right time. The man walked into the room, and Immediately you launched the bottle at him. He dodged it causing it to shatter against the wall behind him.

"Ishida?" You asked as you stared at the man in front of you. He looked at you with a wide eye behind half-rimmed glasses. The other was covered by long, raven bangs, with the left side tucked behind his ear.

"Fuck, I missed!" You said begrudgingly, and slumped your shoulders, feeling more relaxed knowing it wasn't an assailant.

"Yeah, you did." He said back, still quite baffled and confused.

"You're agreeing with me?" You said with a slurred accent that made it obvious you were intoxicated.

Are you drunk?" He asked changing the subject and his demeanor. His voice sounded impressively lower when he wanted to sound serious.

"What's it to you? I can be drunk if I want to." You wiped some sweat off your forehead.

"How many bottles?" He asked with a look of concern on his face. He pressed his hand lightly against one folded arm.

"Only one bottle... why do you ask Ishida! Your not my dad!" You walked toward him and lost your footing, nearly crashing to the ground. Uryu rushed over and caught you before you fell completely. "I can walk just fine!" You refused him as if you didn't almost hit your head on the hardwood floor.

"You need to rest! Come on!" He slung your arm over his shoulder and carried you up the stairs toward your room.

"Let go of me! I'm fine!" You let him support you up most of the way, too intoxicated to think straight. Once you both reached the top, it registered that he still had you leaning on him with your arm around his neck. He opened the door to your room carefully and attempted to help you in. You yelled and pushed him away. It didn't work out as well as you thought it would, and you tripped over your own feet falling face-first onto the bed.

Your name fell from Uryu's lips in slight exasperation at your stubborn, drunken state.

He lifted you up and set you comfortably on the bed and you continued to try and fight him off "Stop worrying about me, traitor! I am an independent woman and I can take care of myself!" Your words did not come off as stern as you wanted them.

"(F/n) you are drunk. You should rest for a while. Have you been getting sleep?" He said indicating the dark rings under your eyelids, and the red irritation clouding your scleras.

"No! I can sleep on my own time. I don't... I don't need you. You left me..."


"I'm sorry. My decision was final. It was for-"

"Your pride as a Quincy!" You cut him off, mocking his words with a petulant huff.

Uryu sighed and gave you a sorrowful expression. "If you want me to leave I will, but not until I know that you are healthy!" He said.

"I am quite comfortable and will be fine in the morning!" You tried to be hostile but your words were too drunken.

"Fine, I just came here to make sure you are ok." He said tiredly and turned his back to walk toward the door. He stopped suddenly and turned around to face you again. "Ichigo told me that you were feeling sick. He told me if I had any consideration left, I should come here and make sure you are all right."

"Yeah whatever, I was going to pretend this was all just a horrible nightmare tomorrow." You replied.

Your chest felt heavy as a small amount of realization hit.

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