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It all started with the MTV unplugged session. It was such a huge success and they were given a choice. Which they took of course after some hesitation.

Eric didn't really like the idea of it but Bruce talked some sense into him. It was a huge deal for Paul, Gene, Peter and Ace. They had to do it.

'Mommy.' Elizabeth tugged on my shirt.

'Yes honey?' I looked at her.

'Are we gonna go with daddy to the tour?' She asked.

She's been asking this for the past few months. I took her to some of Ace's concerts back in the days and after I made up for leaving the boys for an entire year, I took Liz to some KISS concerts as well.

She loved playing on the drums with Eric, she also tried to play on Bruce's guitar but it seemed more difficult to her. And Paul always showed her the entire stage, introduced her to the roadies and the people who helped the guys.

She spent more time with the boys and those people than with me when we went to see a show.

'Yes, you are.' Ace ruffled her hair and she giggled trying to push Ace's hand away.

'My hair!' She exclaimed.

'My apologies, princess.' He picked her up effortlessly and put her on his lap. 'Are you ready to rock and roll every night for a whole year?' He asked her.

'Always!' She said excitedly. 'Is Jen coming too?' She asked.

We also visited Peter twice a month and over the years Jenilee and Liz grew close and their friendship was beautiful. To be honest I thought she wouldn't care about Liz because she's six years older than her. But it was the opposite. She loved playing with her.

'I'll ask your uncle about that.' He smiled.

She just nodded and then snuggled up to Ace's chest and put her tiny arms around his neck.

'What about Nick, Sophie and Evan?' She asked.

She was friends with them too. Well, I don't know how can a ten year old be friends with a two year old but Elizabeth can do that too. Actually she was closer to Gene's kids than to Evan or Jenilee. And it was surprising to me.

Well, maybe Gene and I got some beef but we never let that effect the kids as they practically grew up together.

Evan is only two years old, while Sophie is four and Nick is seven. Peter's daughter is the oldest of them.

'I doubt uncle Paul's gonna bring Evan to the tour, honey. He's too young.' Ace said.

'But maybe he will. Who knows? Gene took his children on tour before. Or at least for a few shows.' I added.

'Is uncle Eric and Bruce coming too?' She murmured the question.

'No, because they have other things to do at the moment. So dad and uncle Peter gonna fill in for them.' I tried to explain it to her.

'Will they visit us?' Her curiosity just continued.

'I'm not sure, darling.' Ace patted her back. 'But you and mom can go and visit them anytime you want to.' He peeked at me with a strange look.

He still didn't like that I went to some rehearsals alone. I promised him that I would stop going when his jealousy peaked around the same time when Lizzie was born.

But I broke that promise when I realized that Eric is a good person and that they don't hate me for abandoning them. Well, except for Gene.

He still holds some grudges against me but he only shows it when I go there alone. He realized that he shouldn't do it when Elizabeth was there with me.

They were happy that I spent more time with them. With or without Liz. But Ace didn't. His jealousy started to show again. From time to time of course.

'Not now.' I whispered.

He just let out a sigh and asked Liz if she wanted to take a nap because she was literally falling asleep in Ace's arms.

'Can we all take a nap?' She asked between yawns.

'Sure, princess.' Ace got up from the couch and held her tightly.

He brought her into our room and placed her in the middle of the bed. I laid down on her right side and Ace on her left side.

The next day was tiring. Ace left the house early because they had a meeting with their new manager, Doc. They had to discuss everything.

'Mommy.' Liz climbed next to me on the bed. 'Are we gonna visit Nick and Sophie?' She put her little head onto my chest and an arm around me.

'It's too early for that, sweetie.' I put an arm around her.

'Can we go and check on daddy then?' She looked up at me.

'Honey, you just woke up.' I ruffled her hair. 'And no, we can't. They are having a meeting. We can't interrupt them.' I explained.

'Oh.' She sighed.

'What about we go downstairs and eat something? Hm? And we could go shopping after that.' I suggested instead.

'Okay!' She got up, all excited.

I laughed at her then we went down to eat breakfast that consisted of cereal for her and eggs for me. After we were finished we quickly got dressed and left the house.

We went downtown and went into different shops looking for clothes and shoes for Elizabeth. She wanted new stuff for the tour so she got it. Well, not everything of course.

Then she helped me choose some new jeans and t-shirts. We even bought Ace some shirts that Elizabeth choose saying "daddy would definitely wear these".

'Mommy, that's a lot!' She exclaimed when I put whipped cream on top of her hot chocolate.

'No, it's not.' I argued. 'You put more in your drink at home.' I put the flacon down.

'That's -' She stopped, putting her index finger on her chin. She always did that when she was concentrated on something. 'That's unfair.' She finished her sentence.

I just laughed. I know she wanted to say "not true" but I don't want to burst her little bubble.

After we were done with our drinks I payed and we went back home. Ace was already there asking where were we.

'We have presents for you, daddy.' She danced her way towards Ace with a big bag in her hand.

'Oh, I see. Mommy took you on a shopping spree.' He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

'Look inside.' She dropped the bag on the counter after she climbed onto the barstool.

'Okay.' Ace said and he put everything onto the counter.

We bought him a shirt that had lightning bolts all over it and another one that had a big ace card in the front. And the last one had KISS written on it. I don't even know how my daughter found these.

'I found them.' She said with a proud smile on her pretty face.

'Thank you, princess.' He gave her a hug.

After that Elizabeth went to the living room to watch her favorite cartoons while Ace and I talked in the kitchen.

'I'm glad she won't be alone on the tour. Gene is bringing Shannon and the kids.' He told me the news.

'That's great.' I smiled.

'Have you thought about having another one?' He asked suddenly.

'Another kid?' I raised a brow.

'Just think about it.' He stood in front of me while he placed his hands on my hips. 'She could have a little sister or a little brother.' His thumb caressed my stomach.

'Fine, I'm in.' I put my arms around his neck.

'You serious?' He smiled and I nodded. 'I fuckin love you, Anastasia.' He kissed me unexpectedly.

'I love you too, Paul.' I murmured into our kiss.

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