Introducing Babe Pt. 2

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We sat on the shiny brown coloured couch and waited for the operator to start this whole stuff. I was fidgeting with my fingers untill the tall bald man spoke up.

'3...2...1... And rolling.' The bald man said standing next to the biggest camera in the room.

'Hi everyone. I'm Antonio and today my guests are the members of the American rock band called KISS. They also have a special guest with them.' He said in a funny Italian accent. If I weren't that shaky about the situation I would've laughed.

'Hello guys.' Antonio turned to us. 'Let me introduce you to the people who are watching us in their homes. This is Paul, Gene, Ace, Eric and their special friend, Babe.' He pointed at each of us.

'Hi.' We said in union waving towards the camera.

'Welcome to our country. How do you like it so far?' He smiled.

'Thank you.' Paul spoke up. 'We arrived yesterday so we didn't really get to explore it yet.' He snickered.

'But we would like to do some sightseeing though.' Eric added with a big smile.

'Is it your first time being abroad?'

'Actually not.' Gene said. 'We've been to Japan before.'

'But it's our first time here in Europe.' Ace said.

'Unmasked is your 8th album, right? Was it hard for you to write songs for it?' He looked at Paul.

'Yes it is. And no it wasn't. We are full of ideas all the time. And if we enter the write's block then we have Babe around who is very inspiring.' He said and pointed at me at the end.

'I almost forgot. Babe -' He took a small glance at the camera. 'Tell me, it is your real name or just a nickname?' He focused his gaze on me.
I gulped hard, my mouth was suddenly dry.

'I -' Was all I could say.

'I gave it to her.' Ace saved me by stepping in. 'She hates her real name and I couldn't pronounce her last name so I shortened it.' He shrugged and put his hand onto mine which turned into him holding my hand.

'Yeah. That's true.' I looked up at him adoring. 'My real name is Anastasia Babineaux, but everyone called me Babineaux.' I smiled. 'But this punk next to me couldn't pronounce it so he said Babe instead and it stuck on me.' I laughed genuinely.

'Thanks to me you have a cool name.' Ace smiled at me.

'Don't be so full of yourself.' Gene tried to joke.

'Do you get along with the members?' He asked.

'Of course. I've known them for seven years now. Well, Ace and I have been friends since 1970 when my family moved next doors to him.' I told him feeling more confident now that Ace was still holding my hand as a sign of support.

'Wow that's quite a story.' He grinned to the camera. 'So the band has to thank Ace as he was the one who introduced you to them, am I right?'

'Yeah, you are. Sometimes when we are not on track she just appears and makes everything all right.' Paul spoke.

'Eric just recently joined the band. How do you feel about him?'

'He's very kind, loving, funny and has big fluffy hair which I love.' I smiled at Eric.

He blushed a little and thanked me. Then Antonio asked the guys about the tour's future dates and how long it will last. He also asked Eric if it feels any different being in KISS in comparison to his previous bands.

'It is actually. We never wore platform boots or wore make-up so it was new to me but I like it. I love trying out new things.' He said.

'What's your opinion on Babe, the band's girl?'

'She's nice. I really like her.' Eric grinned.

'Don't be too cheesy pal.' Ace laughed.

'Be ready Eric. He will fight you.' Paul snickered.

'Why would he?' Antonio asked the Starchild doubtfully.

'Because he's very protective of her. That's why.' Gene shrugged.

The rest of the interview flew by real quick. Maybe cause Antonio didn't ask me more questions or maybe because I was having fun. I really did.

'You were an absolute rock star back there!' Ace picked me up and spun me around. 'I'm so proud of you.' He put me down and kissed my forehead.

'You did great.' Eric hugged me.

'They're right.' Now it was Paul's turn to hug me.

'You were good Babe.' Gene said smiling. He wasn't that big of a hugger like the others.

'Thanks guys.' I smiled sheepishly.

After they congratulated us on the success of the album and told us that we were great during the interview we left back to the Castel Sant'Angelo.

The opening act, which was Iron Maiden at that point, was already there. This was my first time meeting them in person. Since KISS became more and more popular they had bigger bands for the opening.
We said hi to each other with the other band and they discussed something about tonight's concert.

'Guys you have ten minutes before going on stage.' The manager came in talking to the English band.

They nodded their heads and went out following him. Gene and Paul invaded the tables that were filled with food. Eric did some touch-up on his make-up then joined the Demon and the Starchild.

Ace just sat down next to me on the couch that was now empty.

'How you feeling?' He pulled me closer to him.

'Better now that I'm done with that stupid interview.' I sighed.

'You don't seem that better though.' He looked me up and down.

I shrugged and snuggled up next to him. 'I guess I'm just tired.' I said finally.

He patted my right arm and started to hum a song I couldn't recognise. Eventually I fell asleep due to Ace's humming and stroking.

Gene woke me up after the concert was over and we headed back to the hotel where I shared a room, heck, even a bed with Ace like always.

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