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An hour passed with her and Jeongyeon driving around the city in their car, with the case file on her lap showing the photo of the victim, and the contents of the case, slowly sipping her coffee not to spill even a drop on the papers in front of her.

"The vic is roughly on her early thirties, multiple gunshot wounds to the torso, all of which are close range, then about four rounds shot to her head. I'd say it's over kill but I guess the killer really didn't want the girl alive." Jeongyeon said turning to the next corner.

As she looked through the case file something struck her as odd, Mina had an eye for the things that were kinda throwing her off she has had that ever since she was a kid, but when ever she would notice these things it's like it would vanish before her eyes. Mina blinked again, she was sure there was a symbol she already saw sometime before on the victim's thigh, but when she looked again it vanished.

"Any idea on the MO?" Mina said blinking rapidly and turning to the next page to read through.

"None yet, but we're looking at the boyfriend as one of the prime suspects." the blonde shrugged briefly looking at Mina, "Hirai told me there wasn't any signs of forced entry, but we did get some of the swabs and some fingerprints to the lab. I'll have Chae get us something soon." she said while she unbuckled her seat belt and headed out.

Mina nodded, they were approaching the crime scene a dozen or so police cars surrounded the house the mid morning heat finally coming through. Mina approached the police line and showed another officer her badge, the police cars and sirens wailing attracting an audience to gawk and gather, she was immediately greeted by Momo once she passed the police lines, another officer for the homicide division who was in charge of processing the crime scene.

"Hey, okay so I just sent Chaeyoung the swabs I got," Momo said shoving her phone back in her pocket. "it's really bloody in there." she warned.

Mina walked towards the house and looked back again on the gathering onlookers, one woman really caught her eye, she has wearing a red coat with her short brown hair curled and tucked behind her ear, directly looking at Mina. Another wail of the sirens and when she looked at the woman again she vanished. She shook it off and proceeded to the front door.

The smell of death and rot reached Mina's nose the moment she opened the front door, the once beautiful walls now ruined by the dried blood coming from all different angles. Mina trudged further in the house, looking for anything that would help her understand the case.

"See anything Myoui?" Jeongyeon said gloving her hands in preparation of their search.

Mina shook her head, she hasn't found something yet. By now she would've found something out of the ordinary, like misplaced items, missing pieces of furniture, but no, Mina hasn't found anything yet.
Mina wandered further, checking the room to her right, "Office" She mentally notes, creating a constructive floor plan of the house in her head. She starts her search again, going thoroughly to ever item before her. Inspecting every page of the books littered on the desk to the sills of the windows letting in sunlight to all the other rooms in the house, but everything is either wiped down or plain clean except for the bloody walls and floor.

"Anything here?" Jeongyeon asked. Again Mina shook her head. "It's bugging you isn't it?" She raised an eyebrow. Mina sighed Jeongyeon was right, usually by now she would've seen or noticed anything, but it's like she's in a thick fog and she's just going around in circles.

"Was there any sign of forced entry?" Mina asked getting up from where she was.

"None, we might be looking at an inside job. We already have the boyfriend in custody but we have to hurry if he lawyers up then we won't get the chance."

Red is the Devil's ColorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora