"Woah there, you're going to want to take it easy," She said. I nodded and sat back down. "You ate garlic dear."

"What!" I exclaimed. The nurse just nodded.

"We're going to have to separate the breakfast lunch and dinner from the humans," Drake said with his arms crossed. "One of my boys is a zombie. He has fake braces to keep his jaw in place and he can't even eat. The braces hurt to much for him to eat. Plus he has to wear ax to hide the smell of his flesh rotting from the humans. Separate lunches could prevent another incident like this from happening to another vampire. One of my kids is a vampire. Just a bite of garlic would kill him."

"Is his name Timmy?" I asked weakly. Drake nodded. "I met him yesterday."

"Little man is something else," Drake said smiling.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"You fainted on me and then started seizing," Drake answered. "You needed blood and I didn't mind helping you out."

"You helped me?" I asked thinking of our rivalry.

"I don't like you, that doesn't mean I want you to die," Drake said as if I offended him? My eyes landed on the band-aid on his forearm. Hold on what's going on here. Drake Smith saved my life? What the hell was going on? "I'm not a terrible person."

I reached out and touched his injured arm, looked him dead in the eyes and said, "'Thank you."

He put his hand on top of mine and gave it a squeeze. "You're welcome. Now get some rest."

As he left I was filled with confusion and then a thought occurred.

Maybe his family stopped passing down that awful story. Maybe Drake just sees me as a fellow monster. Maybe it was time to accept the past and move on.

Moving on wouldn't bring my brother back but then again neither did holding on to the past. Thinking about this all made my head hurt, so I decided to take Drakes advice and went to sleep.


When I awoke, I could get up and walk. The nurse suggested I rest for the rest of the day, so I went back to my cabin which was empty. I pulled out my laptop and checked my emails. I had one email from my sister Abigail. She wrote all about her first day in Rome, and how romantic it was. She wrote about how she wanted to stay there forever with Orlando. Hearing how happy she was made a giant smile appear on my face. What can I say? Knowing my twin is happy makes me happy. I wrote back to her explaining what had happened on the first day. I mentioned the cute guy Matt, and I asked her for advice on what to do with Drake.

I also typed an email out to my parents, excluding the part were I ate garlic. They would want me home to monitor me immediately. Both of my parents are doctors. It's bittersweet. Their never home, but they know how to fix everything and anything.

Writing the letter made me realize how homesick I was starting to get. Summer is the only time when I'm away from my family, but being away from them is still a weird thing for me. I just love them so much-

Suddenly, I heard shuffling around the room. Standing up slowly, I grab my notebook from my bag. I quietly circled the room until I saw her. The dirty redheaded girl.

"Hi?" I said.

"Hi," She replied.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Leah," She said. As she said her name, I noticed she was missing one of her front teeth.

"Hi Leah, I'm Carolina. How old are you Leah?" I asked.

"Six," She answered with a lisp.

"What's your gift?" I asked the young girl.

"I'm a werewolf! I can transform right now! Wanna see me do it?" She asked eagerly.

"No, I'm good," I said laughing. "Are you going to stay with us?"

"Yes," She answered. "All the other cabins were filled."

"Okay no worries," I said. "Why don't you go find Faith? Her bed is over there if you want to get her scent." I pointed to the bed she slept in. Leah instantly ran towards the bed, sniffed her pillow and ran outside quickly spewing the words "Seeyoulater!" together.

I made my way back to my bed, wincing when I moved to quickly, and then laid down. It was sorta nice being by myself. I was enjoying the sound of the birds chirping outside and gentle chatter when I heard a scream within the cabin. I jerked up, wincing at the pain from my abdomen. Josefina became visible on one of the beds. She looked around, and then buried her face in her hands. She sobbed gently.

I walked towards her and crotched down to her level. "Hey what's the matter?"

"The bad man," She answered, looking up at me.

"What bad man?" I asked wiping her tears away.

"He kept touching me, and my private parts. He just wouldn't stop," She answered weeping.

My mouth formed a tiny "oh" and I instantly pulled her in for a hug. "This bad man will not harm you under my watch. I promise."

"I wasn't the only one," She said. "There were dozens of girls of all ages."

I felt sick to my stomach. She was apart of some sort of human trafficking. Maybe that's why she died so young. I held Josefina tightly. "I won't let anything harm you. I promise."

Josefina pulled away and stuck her pink out. I hooked my pinky to hers.

"Do you want to watch a show with me?" I asked. The preteen nodded quickly. I held her hand and lead her to my bed. I sat on the left side, and she said on the right. In between us was my laptop. I pulled up Steven Universe, episode one and pressed play.

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