Chapter 2

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After a long chat, both miraculouses start beeping, letting them know that they only had their last power bank.

Ladybug: We still have the last power bank.

Chat Noir: Are you sure about that, m'lady? You'd normally run off.

Ladybug: *Rolls her eyes* Yes.

Chat Noir: If you say so! Well, about what you said earlier... the Adrien Agreste thing... it's similar to a problem that I have...

Ladybug: Really? How so?

Chat Noir: In my class, there's this girl, Marinette, and she's very sweet! It's fun to watch her being happy and excited. She's beautiful too and I think I like her... I- I mean, I'm not sure if I like her, but she's cute. But- but, I like you and whoever is under that mask, m'lady! I just don't think it would be loyal or something to like two people at the same time...

At this point, Ladybug is as surprised as Chat Noir was when he found out that Ladybug is in his class.

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