I tossed my phone down on the pillow and let out another exhale, feeling kind of tired from the drive down here. It was around four thirty and I hadn't slept much the night before due to my excitement for going to the beach.

Walking over to the dresser I had placed all of my clothes in, I picked up the outfit I early had on that I folded up neatly and put on top. I slid the articles on, and just as I finished, the front door slammed shut.

"Juliet!" A voice called from the front of the home. I furrowed my eyebrows immediately, wondering why this person sounded so angry. "Juliet, where are you?"

That's when I knew it was Austin. I could tell by the volume of his voice that he was getting closer to my room, giving me a fairly short amount of time to get my act together-- literally.

Swallowing and clearing my throat, I folded my arms over my stomach. "In here."

Austin quickly appeared at the bedroom door, anger painted all over his face. He had a scowl that I'd never seen him obtain, and it kind of fueled me.

"What's up?" I asked nonchalantly, my face emotionless but my eyes taking in every single emotion that radiated off of him.

"What was that all about?"

I shrugged my shoulders and ran my tongue across my lips. "God, Austin. I didn't know asking 'what's up' offended you. Sorry."

He tilted his head, showing me that he wanted me to cut the shit. I knew exactly what he was talking about, but I wasn't going to give him a straight up answer. I liked giving him a hard time. It was obviously enjoyable to me.

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't act stupid," He spat.

Again, I shrugged my shoulders and turned around walking over to the full length mirror on the other side of the room. I looked into it so that my back was facing him, but so that I could still see him in the mirror. I played with my hair a little, acting as careless as possible.

"Why were you talking to that guy out there? He's a total douche bag," He declared, his voice less angry now.

I crinkled my forehead and scoffed. "What, does it bother you that I'm giving another guy attention?"

"No! I just--" He paused, looking down and biting his bottom lip.

God, he looks so hot when he does that.

Getting an idea in my head, I raised my eyebrow and fought the devilish grin that was pushing through my lips but lost. Luckily, he didn't see it.

Quickly softening my expression, I turned around and walked over to him. He regained his attention to me when I slipped my hand up to the side of his neck, slowly dragging my fingers back and forth across the warm skin there. He looked stunned to see that I was back flirting with him again. That was exactly what I wanted.

"Let's go talk outside," I suggested, though it came out of more as a demand. When he nodded slowly, I knew that I still had him wrapped around my finger.

I dropped my hand back to my side and purposely brushed my shoulder with his as I walked passed him, going out of the back door with him trailing close behind me. We continued walking in silence even as we walked up the dock. I made sure that we stood in a spot where no one could see us, though.

When we reached the end, I turned to him, an innocent smile drawn on my lips. He looked down at me, not having the first clue of what I had planned for him.

I knew exactly how it was going to play out. He was going to try to hit on me and then I was going to tease him a little bit, and then I would push him into the water.

Simple as that.

"So, what were you saying before?" I asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes at him and pressing my lips together.

He sighed and I couldn't help but notice how hot he was when he was nervous. Well, he was hot all the time, but this was something I'd never seen from him before. At least, not until now.

"Look, Juliet, I--" He stopped, clearly feeling hesitant.

Maybe I should loosen him up a little, the devilish voice in my head hissed.

I brought my hands up to his chest, slowly sliding them upward until they were both at the sides of his neck. It was evident that he was trying to ignore me, but I could see in his eyes that he was enjoying this.

Moving closer slightly, I encouraged him. "Come on, you can tell me."

Surprisingly, he hadn't even put his hands on me yet. I thought he was going to do it first.

He still stayed silent, taking in every one of my actions. I hadn't done this to him in a little while, so he was probably enjoying it while he could.

"What is it, Austin?" I whispered softly. "You want to tell me how jealous you are of that guy back at the beach? Or are you going to tell me that you've changed your mind about the sleeping situation? That's it, isn't it? You want to sleep with me, don't you? I knew--"

"No," He interjected. "That's not it. I want to tell you that I-- I like you. A lot."

I didn't expect to hear that.

When I pictured him saying that in my head, I didn't see myself being affected by it at all. But I found myself being extremely affected by it. It was something I'd wanted to hear for years. It was something that he never said to any other girls, not even if he just wanted to sleep with them.

Before I knew it, he began leaning into me so that I could feel his cool breath dance across my lips, driving me over the edge. Taking myself by surprise, I felt myself leaning upwards to fulfil one of my silent desires.

This was what the normal Juliet craved so desperately.

"Juliet!" A voice called from the house a little off in the distance. Before anything could happen, I did what I'd planned on doing before we came out here. I brought my hands back to his chest and pushed him into the water. I didn't even look at him to laugh, I just scurried away towards who I assumed to be Kyle's voice.

I was happy that my little plan had succeeded, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Austin said.

He liked me. Austin Mahone, the kid who tortured me a few years ago, liked me.

As much as I wanted to deny it, it was clear as day that I was beginning to regain those feelings for him. I just couldn't let that show.

Not now. Not ever.



Stay Away From Juliet (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now