Chapter 2 Jisu vs Captain Ginyu

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"Jisu how could you," scolded Ginyu, "I trusted you, you were my number 2." I rub my punched cheek and backs off slowly looking like a puppy who's owner found out it piddled on the carpet. "Eat this," Ginyu yells hurling a punch. I reach my hand to catch it. Even though I lack hope because Ginyu was so much stronger than me with his 130,000 power level compared to my meager 60,000.
      But surprisingly I catch his fist and squeezes it. "What the..." Ginyu begins, "How....How can you be so much stringer than me!?" I rapidly begin to punch Ginyu and each punch landing a string blow. "JAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJA," I yell as I punch. My last blow hits him square in the face shattering his scouter which shatters on impact. Ginyu can barely block my punches and most of mine hit. Ginyu leaps back and rushes me for a punch. I teleport past him and fly away from the enraged Leader. I point my fingers at him and rapidly begin firing my rapid ki canon. PEW! Pew! My ki blasts hit and detonate. Captain Ginyu is blasted and covered in smoke. "Damn it TO HELL," Ginyu yells as he swipes the smoke away from him and aims his hand for his own ki blast.
       I am flying above him charging my crusher ball, "CRUSHER BALLL!" My red orb is growing and the blast merely helps it grow. "You won't be able to survive this," I yell. All of a sudden the Saiyan Goku yells, "Don't kill my body!" But as I was distracted I could tell Ginyu was preparing his technique to change my body. "Change now," Ginyu yells pulling his arms. "NO! NO!," I utter I don't want to lose my body. But at the last second Goku leaps in and swaps bodies. With Ginyu. Goku utters, "Yes!" As he falls to the ground battle damaged. I stare at the Captain who was on his knees uttering something. I could tell his power level was weaker than mine as I hurl my ball at him. "PLEASE SPARE ME," Ginyu begs pleading for his own life. It was too late my ball had already hit the devil man and I could hear his screams. His flesh turns to ash and than to nothing. The ball is bright like the sun as it explodes and becomes nothing. I land on the ground and looks at Goku reaching my hand for his. "Would you like to get healed at the machine on Frieza's ship," I asked holding his hand pulling him up. "Yes please," Goku said as I pulled him over my back and flew towards Frieza ship.
     I land on the roof Gohan and Killin following behind. Vegeta not far behind him. "Alright you will heal within half an hour and an hour mate," I tell Goku as I push the mouthpiece on his mouth and close the lid. Vegeta sits down to sleep as Gohan, Killin and I fly to the balls outside. "Thank you for saving my Dad," Gohan said. "NO problem as long as I get at least one of the wishes to resurrect Butta ((I changed names from Burter))and Reacoom,"  I tell them. Krillin shook my hand as we flew for the balls.

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