seven • curiosity that leads to disaster

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   The main field of the Operation Base was occupied by the Nightmare Striker's remains. Eve's team had removed the biological parts of it so that she can observes on it.

   "I can't believe they take down Striker! How cool is that?" Tae said, as the S7 cadets are watching it from afar

    "I heard that they used the Lightning Formation!" Hagumi peeps in

     "Lightning Formation?" Arisa asks

     "Yukina-senpai said that was the highest level of Jaeger teamworks, and I never see that move before," Kasumi said, shrugging

     "Hey, I wonder what's in there... I heard that it wasn't piloted by humans..." Saaya said

     "I know! Why don't we take a look?" Kasumi raises her suggestion

     "Y-You shouldn't go there, Kasumi-chan, if you don't want to be in trouble..." Kanon said

      "That's fine! We can sneak in and sneak out! Let's go!" Kasumi said, hurrying her friends


    As Eve is investigating, according to Aphrodite and Maelstorm reports, that this was the Kaiju brain probably from the last year of Kaiju War.

     "That's odd... It was the same as the brain I got from the first year..." Eve said to herself

      ' I know that Kaiju can cloning themselves, but they never came out from the Breach for the past year... Which mean, someone is behind this...! ' Eve thought

       "Wakamiya-san," a familiar and strict voice calls her from behind

       "Sa-Sayo-san! You surprised me!" Eve said

       "Oh, sorry. So, I am here because of Commander Shirasagi asking for your report..."

       "Ah... Tell Chisato-san that I can only conclude one thing from this," Eve said

       "Tell me," Sayo then narrowing her chartreuse eyes

       "That if Kaiju never cross the Breach for the past year, then someone is behind this. It's a man's doing," Eve said

      "A man's doing? What do you mean?" Sayo asks, her suspicion grew wider

      "Yes. Like I said, people sold Kaiju parts back at the black market, and that draws the attention of the maker of the Nightmare Striker. But, the brain is the most expensive, so who could afford that?" Eve explains, ends it as a question

       "It seems odd, but this happens also with the drone launching by Tsurumaki Robotics. Striker had taken down Commander Shirokane, and made us cornered."

       "You mean, Tsurumaki Robotics was behind this?" Eve confirmed

       "It could be. For now, I let you continue your research. The report file can be distributed later to Shirasagi-san's office," Sayo orders as she walks onto the door

        "I-I understand...!"


        Kasumi and the rest of the S7 cadets are now inside Striker's body. There were many electric cables hanging on top of their head.

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