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Pinpricks form all over my skin as I step foot off the plane. When I left almost seven years ago I vowed to never come back. I moved my parents as soon as I could and had no reason to visit. All this town holds for me is pain and memories. I take a deep breath, slowly inhaling and exhaling the humid air. I shake off my anxiety and clear my head. I will not let this place affect me. I have bigger problems to deal with than something that happened to me a lifetime ago.

"Are you okay?" He slides his hand into my own and gently squeezes.

"I am now."

When I left this place so long ago I thought it would be for good¾That I would never breathe the stifling air, see the frivolous scenery, or step foot on the molten concrete again. To say that this small town is my own version of hell is putting it mildly. No good ever came from living here and I don't think any good will come of me being back. But I had to know if maybe, just maybe coming back here holds all the answers. Even though my anxiety is through the roof I couldn't ignore coming here. With my life on the line I had to check out every single possibility. And this place, as much as I hate it, could help save my life.

When we're safely in the rental car I arranged for us, I turn to ask Graham the one question I've been contemplating. "Did you ever think you'd come back here?

He shakes his head and doesn't hide the disdain on his face. Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't have any good memories of this place. "Honestly, no. I didn't ever want to return here. I don't have a single fond memory of this place."

"Really?" I ask on a pause. "No good memories at all?"

He tilts his head to the side but it doesn't take long for his eyes to light up. I half expect him to say he knows what I'm talking about and of course his favorite memory from here is when we made out on my sixteenth birthday, but that isn't what he says at all.

"Nope." He shakes his head. "No good memories at all."

He continues shaking his head but with the biggest grin on his face. I love this man and his sense of humor. I may be shallow and go for a pretty face off the bat but personality is a deal breaker. And I got the best of all the worlds with Graham. It stills feels weird to me knowing that we're married. I glance over at my husbandand get lost in presence. This right here must be what it feels like. Being with the one person you were truly meant to be with. In short, it's perfection.

We pull into a parking lot and Graham parks the car. I look at him questioningly and he answers my questions before I even get the chance to ask. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I figured we could get something to eat before we venture out on this journey."

As if on cue my stomach starts grumbling and I can't help but laugh. "Food sounds perfect right now."

The hostess gets us seated at a table and we start looking over the menus. I hear a small squeak nearby and I lift my head. A little blonde girl who can't be much older than nine stops and her eyes go wide. I wave at her and she takes off running toward me. Oh no. What did I just do?

"Oh my gosh! Erika Takai! Will you take a picture with me? I'm one of your biggest fans."

If there's one thing I've always loved about this job, it's meeting all of the young fans I have. Their innocence shines through and they're the happiest to meet. She continues yammering on about who knows what as I sign her canvas purse. Her exuberance is contagious and I can't help but smile up at her.

"Paris. Where are you?" A woman calls from somewhere in the restaurant.

The little girl in front of me sighs and calls over her shoulder. "I'm over here, Mom."

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