"You were taking these because of what they did to you?"

"Yes. Can I go now?"

"No, Cody, you can't just fucking leave!" She finally snaps at me, and I don't even flinch. I watch as she takes a deep breath, obviously trying to calm herself before she continues. "You're not living with them anymore, so what are you possibly taking them for if not that you're simply addicted?"

"I'm not addicted, stop fucking saying that!"

"Then why the fuck would you still need to be taking Percocet? How do you get this stuff, Cody?" Alex asks, and I'm far too pissed off for lying, and the truth begins to pour out. I tell her that I get them from a kid at my school, he's shady as hell but he won't and can't tell anyone because his dad is the sheriff. Ironic. I know. Stupid, too.

"Does Jack know?" She asks the one question I was hoping to never answer. My best friend doesn't know a damn thing. While I don't want Alex to be disappointed in me, knowing I've let my best friend down would push me over the edge. Is that messed up? I don't know, maybe. Like I said, I love my mom, but I haven't known her that long. With Jack, it's different, she has always been there for me. She is basically my sister, and that was before we started living together here in this house.

"Do I know what?"

I feel my body freeze, I'm pretty sure my heart stopped for a few beats, too. I turn around to face the kitchen door, I hadn't even noticed that I abandoned my quest of escaping the kitchen, instead opting to argue with my mom when I'm in the wrong. I see my best friend standing in the doorway, Kelly, Hope and Tobin beside her as they trickle into the room. I thank God for the small break of luck I get when Kristie decides to stay in the other room with Jordyn, though I wish it was someone else with her.

"Do I know what, Cody?" Jack repeats as the players in the room remain quiet. I'm not sure if Tobin knows, I wouldn't be surprised, her and my mom are practically joined at the hip these days. I glance at my mom to see that she's already watching me, making no move to help. I can tell by the look on her face that she's challenging me to tell Jack the truth. I turn to my non-related sister.

"Alex thinks I'm addicted to pain m-"

"You are, Cody."

"I'm not, Alex." I face my mom again, ignoring the others in the room as I start to get angry again. "You shouldn't even be snooping in my room, what were you even looking for?!"

"These." Is all she says as she shakes the bottle.


"I know the signs, Cody." I hear my best friend speak up, as I turn to face her I see that nobody in the room is surprised by what they're hearing, making me come to the conclusion that they all either knew or suspected, and they've all definitely been talking behind my back.

"So, you all just talk about me now, huh?" I ask everyone present, glancing at each person.

"Okay, that's enough." My attention snaps to Hope, who has clearly gotten tired of my hurt victim act. Her cold, stern tone of voice pulls me back from my cravings of the pills just out of my reach, still in my moms hands as I glance to see where they are. "Look at you, Cody. You can barely take your eyes off of them!" The volume of her voice brings me back to her, and I do my best to ignore the sad, disappointed look on Jack's face. Kelley and Tobin not saying anything but they're both obviously feeling the same as Jack, they're all wearing matching frowns.

"Cody, you need help. You're irritable, and short tempered. You barely eat, you're nauseous-"

"Doesn't mean anything. Maybe I'm just sick." I cut the 'keeper off.

"Oh you're definitely sick, being an addict is a disease and before you say you're not an addict - you are. Don't bother trying to deny it because the only person you're fooling is yourself. We're all here because we care about you. You're not living with those monsters anymore, you don't need the pills. You chose to continue seeing a therapist, talking about your issues isn't weakness, Cody. You're strong and whatever else you're struggling with, you can make it through it because you're strong. Because you're not alone." Hope rants to me, and I can see that she's becoming increasingly upset, meanwhile I just feel numb - still.

"Give me that bottle, Alex." Hope catches my attention as my mom hands the bottle to the tall ex-pro, who proceeds to the kitchen sink, unscrewing the safety cap and running the water. I watch in horror as she flips the bottle upside down and all the pills scatter, eventually falling down the drain.

"What the fuck?! Stop that!" I yell, being held back by my mom. I wouldn't actually hurt Hope, I just wanted to catch any of the pills that I could before they were lost forever.

"You need help, Cody." Is all Jack says before she turns and leaves. Watching her go breaks my heart, worse than Kristie did. I understand why people think that Jack and I would date, are dating or have dated, but the truth is, we both find that - ew. I do love her, like a sister, a best friend.

I have a breakthrough as I realize I can't lose her, not Jack. I couldn't live without Jack but I sure as hell could get clean with her to help me through it.

"Okay..." I say, rather meekly, still watching the door my best friend just walked out of, almost as if she'll magically come back. Why would she though? I'm a mess. I know she hasn't walked out of my life, but right now I'm not thinking straight.

"Okay?" My mom asks, but I only nod in response as I walk to the kitchen island and grab my phone, kissing Alex on the cheek, and saying thanks to Hope as I leave the room. The adults all looking confused as I make my departure.

I walk to my bedroom, closing the door behind me, I scroll through the contacts on my phone until I find the number I'm looking for. I take a deep breath, giving myself a pep talk as I prepare to hit dial. I've always hated talking on the phone, but this time it can't be avoided.

"Hello, Dr. Morris?"

A/N - Any form of addiction should not be taken lightly. If you are struggling, please seek help, whether it's from friends and family, support groups or medical professionals.

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