mark x donghyuck

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"fuck off, mark!" donghyuck yelled. he and mark kept arguing over the smallest problems today and he was being a total jerk towards mark. mark was already a sensitive person, so having one of his favorite people be mad at him really upset him.
he walked away from donghyuck and towards his own room, tears threatening to fall as he felt himself slip into littlespace. he laid down on his bed and cuddled into his blanket and stuffies and he cried. at first it was just little sniffles, but then he started to full on sob. he cried into his pillow, "w-why does hyuckie h-hate me?" it was pretty loud, loud enough for dongyuck to hear and as soon as he heard his heart dropped to his stomach.
donghyuck knocked on mark's door, he heard sniffling.
"no ones in here, g-go away." donghyuck sadly smiled to himself, thinking about how cute mark is, but knowing he's the one that made him cry.
"markie, can hyuckie please come in?" mark sniffled again.
"no, hyuckie hurt markie's feelings."
donghyuck was pretty sure he felt his heart shatter, but this wasn't about him. donghyuck came into the baby's room anyway knowing that he'd end up comforting the boy somehow. he walked to the bed and sat beside the lump under the covers which was mark.
"baby, look at me. please?"
mark poked his tear stained face out from under his cover and looked at donghyuck. 
"aw, baby. why are you crying. tell hyuckie what's wrong, hm?" donghyuck obviously knew what was wrong, he just wanted mark to tell him.
"hyuckie hurt the baby be-because he yelled at him." mark said with the biggest pout he's ever made, he really didn't like being yelled at.
"hyuckie's really, really sorry pumpkin. he didn't mean to yell at you like he did, he was really frustrated. hyuckie didn't want to hurt the baby, okay?"
mark didn't say anything, he just moved his little body into donghyuck's lap. he knew that donghyuck really was sorry, he knew he didn't like to upset mark.
he wrapped his arms around the younger boys neck and laid his head on his shoulder.
"it's okie, hyuckie. markie knows you were fr-frust-, yeah that word. wub you, hyuckie."
mark kissed donghyuck's cheek and donghyuck almost died.
"aw, i love you too, baby."

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