mark x yuta

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yuta was just putting some laundry down onto his bed whenever he heard small footsteps.

"daaaadddyyyy," it was mark.

"what is it, pumpkin?"

"dada, markie is very sleepy. markie wants nap, markie wants nap with daddy."

mark was way too cute, yuta couldn't say no to him.

"aw, okay little one. come here." yuta patted the spot next to him on the bed and mark hopped up there real fast.

"lap. want on daddy's lap, pweaseee."

yuta picked mark up and placed him on his lap, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"is that better, baby?"

mark was too tired to actually answer, so he just settled for nodding his head.

"do you want your paci, sweetheart?"

"no dada."

"hm, that's weird coming fro- ohh,"

mark didn't want his paci, he wanted yuta's thumb in his mouth.

"this is bettew than paci, mawkie wikes dada's thumb more than paci" yuta's uwus busted at this, sometimes he couldn't handle how cute mark actually was.

"aw, baby. how cute"

"i wuv you dada."

"i love you too, little baby."

mark was already drifting off to sleep as yuta rubbed his back. poor baby was always sleepy, it was really sad to see him so tired and drained all the time. yuta loved when mark was little, it was the cutest thing in the world. mark and yuta both ended up falling asleep.

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