mark x jaehyun

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mark was feeling really, REALLY little today. once again, the only person around was jaehyun and mark was excited for that. the little baby made his way down to the living room to see jaehyun on the couch watching tv.

"oh, hey mark."

mark pouted, he didn't like being called mark when he felt little, he wanted to be called cute names! instead of bringing it to jaehyuns attention that he felt so little, he walked over to the older boy on the couch and sat on his lap. he straddled jaehyuns legs and shoved his face into the crook of the mans neck.

"oh, baby are you feeling little today?" mark made a small nod and a 'mhm'.

"how little today, puppy?"

"mm vewy wittle dada." jaehyun cooed, he loved

watching mark when he felt SUPER little.

"is the little baby thirsty?" mark rubbed his little eyes and nodded his head.

"do you want your baba or sippy?"

"mmm, baba. pwease."

"okay baby, let daddy get up and fix it."

"n-no! wan go wif dada!" jaehyun giggled at mark's cuteness, but he agreed. he walked into the kitchen while bouncing the baby on his hip.

"puppy, do you want juice or milk in your bottle?" mark pouted and he debated on what he wanted, but he settled with one.

"milky dada, wan milky."

jaehyun put the milk in the bottle that was decorated with moons and stars, little mark really enjoyed shapes. they were his favorite things except for his daddies. the two boys made their way back over to the couch in the living room and mark tugged on jaehyuns shirt when they sat back down.

"what is it baby?" mark didn't say anything, he just handed jaehyun the bottle. he wanted jaehyun to feed him.

"d-dada feed baby." mark was really struggling to speak today, he just felt too little to handle anything. he wanted to wear a diaper and a onesie but for now he'll just bask in the glory of jaehyun feeding him from a baby bottle. 

mark sat sideways on jaehyuns lap as the older boy held the baby on his back with his other hand on the bottle that was in mark's mouth. mark looked unbelievably cute suckling on the nipple of the baby bottle to get the milk into his mouth, but he couldn't drink too much or else he'd get a tummy ache and he didn't want that, so jaehyun stopped feeding him. he sat the baby boy back up to where he was straddling jaehyun.

jaehyun ran his hand down mark's back.

"you feeling good baby?"

mark bounced himself on jaehyuns legs.

"yes dada, vewy good."

"good baby, daddy is glad."

jaehyun kissed the baby's forehead and pet his hair back.

"it's almost nap time, pumpkin."

"okay dada, i go sweep on your lap, baby love you night night dada."

jaehyun wasn't even gonna question him, he's letting the baby have his way today because that's what he deserves.

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