More Than Friends. 12

Comenzar desde el principio

"do you want to bring the skate?" he asked.

"okay, but don't feel embarrased when everyone gets to see that a girl can use a skate better than you" I said teasing him.

"ha! In your dreams" he replied laughing. I went inside the kitchen to drink something before leaving and Louis came and closed the door.

"Cristy what the hell are you doing?" he asked

"what?" I looked at him confused.

"why do you want to go out with Zayn now? I thought you wanted to forget him and Harry?" he whispered in case any of the boys could hear us.

"look Louis, I saw how sad Zayn was when I told you how my date with Diego was and I just want him to know that our friendship is still alive, that it won't die because I'm seeing someone" I also whispered.

"but what if he gives his hopes even more up now?" he asked.

"he won't cause I'll treat him like a friend and not like a boy that I want to flirt with" I answered.

"also this can help me to know how I really feel about Zayn, maybe my heart tells me if he's the right one or not" I added.

"if you say so" he said as he left. I think Louis didn't understand me this time but I needed my heart to talk to me.

Zayn and I left the house and went to a park. We were talking about life and stuff. Zayn was so deep, he said the best quotes ever. I loved listening to him. We sat on the green grass and kept talking. It was amazing how I didn't get tired of listening to Zayn. After 30 minutes of talking, we decided to use the skates. I wasn't that good tho, I was just joking. Zayn was on his skate, he was so good. I got on the skate and started skating. Zayn was already laughing at me. I honestly looked like a dizzy duck.

"Zayn, don't laugh at me!" I said trying to sound upset.

"hahaha sorry babe, but you look so funny" he said without stopping.

I passed beside Zayn with my skate and I fell down on the grass. Zayn came running. I covered my face with my hands.

"oh my god Cristy are you okay?" he said getting on his knees. I didn't reply.

"Cristy, are you okay?" he said trying to take my hands off of my face. I finally took my hands out my face and I couldn't stop laughing.

"of course I am okay you silly boy" I shouted laughing.

"dont do that to me never again okay?" he said trying to sound serious.

"sorry I just wanted to see your preocupied face" I said laughing even harder while I was still on the grass.

"oh so you want to laugh, don't you?" he said as he got on top of me and started tickling my tummy so fast.

"oh no zayn please stop" I shouted laughing.

"I wont stop until you say sorry" he said still tickling me.

"oh my god zayn, okay sorry" I said between laughters. He stopped tickling me but he didn't get off me. Zayn looked me in the eyes for a few seconds.

"Thank you for spending the day with me Cristy" he said with a honest look.

"no Zayn, thank you to you for being always kind and nice with me" I replied.

"I just want to spend more time with you just so you know that even though I'm seeing Diego, our friendship won't die because I just can't live without you in my life" I told him. he gave me a sweet smile. After that he got closer to me and gave me a long hug. God I loved Zayn. I loved him as a friend but I also liked him as something else but I just didn't know what I was feeling. Right now I just wanted to kiss Zayn, to kiss him and find out what my heart has to say about Zayn. But I didn't do it. I think I had to wait a little.

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