Gavin ☯️ (incomplete)

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"Another day another fucking criminal," Gavin sighed as he lifted the handcuffed man from the gravel as he looked your way. You were busy speaking to another officer, he silently smiled your way. Gavin wasn't always the best when it came to social interaction, most would say he was the worst, but that didn't stop you from trying to change him, and although stubborn he's started changing little at a time. Baby steps some would say, the two of you were making progress and they were as small as baby steps but they were steps none the less.

Gavin was rude but you, you were as nice and peachy as an oblivious child. As you rubbed off on him he began to rub off on you. You didn't become totally mean or anything you just figured that it'd be best you stood up for yourself instead of being a total pushover all the time.

Gavin made his way towards you and the other officer 
"Have this shit head taken to the station," Gavin shoved the criminal the officers way and with the stern look you gave him he added a quick
"Please," at the end. You smiled at him then turned to the police officer and thanked him. You and Gavin then took your leave.

"You've gotta watch your tone, not all of these cops are nice," your hushed whisper followed its way up to his ear, he could've melted from the soft tone of your voice instead he huffed
"Fuck cops," your eyes widened the slightest bit
"But Gavin, were cops too,"
He looked down at you before crossing to his side of the car, unlocking it with a 'beep beep' he winked

You rolled your eyes and got in his old rusty car. "That doesn't even make any sense dumb dumb, and when are you gonna get a new car?" He looked at you feigning hurt "how dare you!" He started the car "I'll have you know my impala is one of the best cars, and in a few more years this shits gonna be pricey so I gotta keep it mint condition till then," he then turned on the radio,
"Now shut ya trap n let me drive will you?" 

You and Gavin made your way to the station in a comfortable silence. The two of you were close friends and everyone knew it, they also knew that the both of you had something going on. It was funny how everyone else knew it except the two of you. Well, you knew you liked him, and he knew he liked you, but since the two of you were too scared of rejection and you were too lost in your own feelings you never really thought about how the other person ACTUALLY felt. It was almost always only assumptions. Which lead to miscommunications.

It felt like the day ended quicker than it usually would. Once you and Gavin got to the station the rest of it was a blur. The two of you decided on going out for dinner, nothing too special, you just felt like tonight was a burger night.

Gavin looked to you in what he thought was admiration, he'd deny his feelings with every fiber in his being, but he couldn't deny he still felt it. So he stopped denying it completely and instead changed the title of it. Saying it was admiration would totally cover him, it wasn't totally embarrassing and you wouldn't feel bad, it was a win win.

He rounded the corner and soon pulled up to the fast food restaurant. He parked the car and the two of you made your way out of the car and into the burger joint.

Gavin sat in a booth and you sat yourself on the other side.

"So..?" You

You say that like you're in love with me
Maybe I am okay?
(Of fuCk ^^ this was actually supposed to be the result like something would happen and that's how the confession came out
It was an idea I had)

Thanks for 2k!!

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