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Hey, I'm Sam, I'm 16 years old and Im in 10th grade, my personality is shy but still out there. My interests are staying at home and sleeping, going out with friends occasionally, and sometimes hooking up with people. "Sam are you going to that party at Devyn's on Friday?" Corey asks, Devyn is his girlfriend so I felt like I had to go because he's my best friend. "Uh, yeah sure I'll go." I say, I then walk into my house and throw my book bag onto the ground. "What's the matter sweetheart?" My mom asks, my mom is a little crazy, and not the good type of crazy. "Nothing." I say, I then run upstairs to my room and close my door, I sit on my bed and stare at the ceiling. My mom got diagnosed with a mental disorder that I can never pronounce, but I know that the people who have it end up in an institution later in life, she's had it since my second birthday and things had been fine until last week, it's starting to get worse. As I stare I eventually fall asleep.

Sorry this chapter is so short it's only the intro. I will be updating silent Tears 2 so this is just a book for when I'm thinking of ideas. But I hope you like it anyway.

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