Chapter 2

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Katrah stared into the dense forest. The temperature must have dropped below freezing last night because the floor in the slaughterhouse was covered in frozen blood. Katrah felt no need to hurry, she'd be back to her lonely life of solitude soon enough. She had thought of moving out of the woods and into the bustling streets of Aakaton, but she had stayed in her fathers house. Today would be the first time she would go to the big city. And she was very, very scared to say the least. She had no idea what it would be like so she had weapons tucked everywhere. Even her sock. She started walking in the direction of Aakaton.

Katrah camped beneath the stars on the cold ground. Her tent had been carefully set up so she could make a quick get away if needed. And she had plenty of blankets to keep her warm never one to be unprepared she had her sword tucked in the blankets with her, should any thieves come they would meet a quick end. She had set up camp right inside the forest next to Aakaton. She was positive no stores would be open at night. She had just drifted to sleep when a rustle came from outside. She grasped the handle of her sword and drew it from the sheath then she stepped out of the tent. Not knowing how many or what for that matter was outside she was cautious. No sooner had she stepped out an arrow struck the tree next to her. Then a lone figure stepped out, he had a dark hood on and Katrah couldn't see his face. "Hello Katrah." The voice sounded vaguely familiar but Katrah couldn't place it. Rather than listen to the man, she listened to the forest. There was a feint noise in the forest next to her. She spun sword in hand, and decapitated an woman with blonde hair and leather armor. Katrah then spun around fast enough to catch another figure charging at her with surprising speed. She sidestepped and cut in a figure eight motion, the man who wore steel plated armor fell to the ground in a big heap. Katrah spun around to find the hooded figure gone. She turned back to the plated warrior. He lay on the ground moaning, Katrah leaned over him and spat in his face. Then she rolled up her tent, sniffed out the fire, put her bow on and headed towards the gate of Aakaton.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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