Chalter One

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A crisp winter breeze blew threw the open window. The hard wood chair felt cold as ice beneath Katrah, but the cackling fire kept her warm, enough. She'd have to go out and hunt soon or she'd have no breakfast. Deciding to get an early start, Katrah  threw a log on the fire, and headed for her bedroom. Making it to her closet she withdrew an elk hide curciass and thick leather boots, then headed for the door, snatching her bow on the way out.

Katrah snuck quietly threw the snowy forest,
The only noise was the heavy breathing of an deer nearby. She followed that noise, until she found the source. It was standing by an icy water pool, its head dipped past its front legs. Katrah would've shot it there but that would only result in the arrow lodging itself in the hind quarters, and a seriously pissed deer. No, she had to move. She silently stalked around the icy birch branches not even the sound of the hard snow beneath her feet made a sound.

Katrah hauled her game home on her back. It hadn't put up much fight, that was because the arrow went all they way through it. She headed to the old cleaning house her father had built. She lived in the middle of the birch forest, all alone, she hadn't seen much of a human face before and the ones she had? Well they were only thieves in the night. Katrah brought in her kill and shut the door behind her, no need for the wolves or the cold air to come in. Katrah started skinning her kill, her knife easily slit open the belly, watching the guts dump onto the floor. She grumbled in disgust, she had always hated this part. Next she took out its leg glands, then started skinning back on the hide.

Katrah ate a good breakfast, lunch too. It was almost 3 in the afternoon. Katrah thought about the trip she would be taking to Aakaton the following morning for more leather, it was almost a day trip to Aakaton. But she would manage. She always does.

Hey guys read this

I have been so excited for this to come out and it's finally here!!! Thx so much guys and all of you who read this I'm in a good mood so comment "read that" and I'll friend and mention you in the next chapter!!

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