•Chapter 20 - Erumpent•

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The three of them walked into the zoo. They followed the roars of the Erumpent until they found it.

"She's in season," Lily noticed. The female Erumpent was cornering a male hippopotamus.

"She needs to mate," Newt confirmed, taking a small flask from his case. It was Erumpent musk. "She's mad for it," he informed Jacob, who seemed slightly confused. He put the musk in like perfume, and gave the still open flask to Jacob to hold it. "Stay here," he told the two, taking his case and walking behind the Erumpent.

Newt opened his case and placed it on the ground behind the beast. He then proceeded to perform his mating dance, which will not be described for the sanity of this story. All that will be said is: he was almost done with his little dance, when a seal came behind Jacob and pushed him, making the open flask pour its musk all over himself and Lily.

She sighed.

"Seriously?" She asked Jacob. They looked back to  see the seal running away from them after seeing the damage he had done. There was a low growl and Lily immediately realised what was happening. "Oh no," she mumbled, looking back at the Erumpent, who now had eyes on her. Newt slowly stood up, watching attentively the scene that was about to play.

The Erumpent charged towards the two of them. Lily grabbed Jacob's hand and started running the other way. It seamed like Jacob was completely in shock, seeing he screamed all the way following Lily.

The Erumpent ran through the Ara cage, setting them all free, as Lily and Jacob ran through the seal habita, which they didnt know was filled with water, meaning what they ran on was not solid ground, but a thin layer of ice, which broke under their every step.

Now, Lily was being followed by an Erumpent while her shoes and socks were wet. She was freezing, which, in a way, was good.

The Erumpent ran after them on a rock and as it fell back into the water, it splashed them both, meaning now they were both soaked, soon frozen, and they were probably end up with a cold.

Lily leaded the way after letting go of Jacob's hand. They ran through the gates of the zoo and into Central Park.

"There," Jacob yelled, pointing at a tree. She  stared back at him, while still running.

"Are you mad?" She yelled back. "I can't climb a tree!"

"It's our only hope."

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