"If we stayed down there I think we would've been crushed to death," Cassie shrugged, nodding in Jasper's direction. "How's the not so dead guy?"

Monty's attention flew back to his friend, his eyes scouring his body. "Alive. That's good enough for now."

"Where are the others? They weren't downstairs when we came in, and they don't seem like the type to abandon an injured comrade." Cassie's words were directed at Monty, but her eyes stayed trained on Jay the entire time. He hadn't uttered a word since they got in.

"Looking for some seaweed, the grounders used a poultice to help the wound heal. They figure that if they find some, they can make it into a tea and save him."

Cassie allowed a frown to form on her face. "That doesn't exactly scream merciless to me. Why would you use medicine on the kid you just speared?"

Monty shrugged his shoulders, busying himself with checking Jasper's bandages. "All we know is that it saved his life."

Silence ensued. Cassie shuffled on her feet, becoming acutely aware of Jay standing closer to her than before. A slight tremble was taking over his body. She reached out and clasped a firm hand on her shoulder. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Octavia's grabbing some water."

Like that Cassie knew the conversation was over. She nodded, beckoning Jay to a corner of the room. He followed blindly, letting her guide him and obliging to whatever she told him. "I'm going to help her, might as well try to patch things up right?"

She got no reply.

"Just stay here and..." Cassie's eyes drifted to where Jay was scratching at his now bare wrist, red angry bumps already rising up. Instantly she snatched his hand, halting him in his tracks. "Don't do that. The last thing we need is you losing a hand because you got an infection."

All he did was look up at her. She had to with hold her gasp - his gaze was so empty. It was like everything that made Jay who he was had been sucked out of him. It sent a chill down her spine.

"That bastard will get what's coming to him, I promise." Fire filled her words, spit flying from her mouth like sparks.

Monty cast a glance back at them, taking in Jay's slumped posture and Cassie's tight jaw. He fractured the quiet with his words. "I'll keep an eye on him, you go help Octavia."

Gratefully, she nodded at Monty, getting to her feet and going to walk to the hatch. She paused, and without thinking, she spun back around and ruffled his hair, his coarse locks tickling her scarred hands. Before he could react she was gone.

She hadn't noticed how loud Jasper's moans were; from downstairs they were magnified. It seemed to shake the entire ship, and she wasn't the only person to notice. Octavia was at the edge of Cassie's vision when Murphy's booming voice dominated all the noise in the space. "That's it. I'm ending this."

Across the room, Octavia's and Cassie's panicked gazes met. Murphy was planning on going upstairs, where Jay was - Murphy was someone he didn't need to see. Octavia subtly nodded to Cassie and she smirked in reply, moving towards him as Octavia slunk towards the ladder.

"I heard Bellamy was giving him until tomorrow." A delinquent piped up. Cassie stepped closer, crossing her arms. The clunk of her boots thundered almost as loud as Murphy.

"Yeah, who made you judge, jury and executioner, huh?" A smirk danced on her face, and she took another small step in his direction. "I think you've forgotten who's in charge down here."

Murphy snorted. "Who do you think you are?"

"Cassie Walker-Simmons, five time winner of the annual Beat Down who can make a grown man piss himself in fear. I think the real question here is," she leaned closer, her words caressing his ear yet loud enough for everyone to hear. "Are you an idiot or a coward?"

His face became taut. She didn't care - her attention was on Octavia who's just reached the ladder. Her gaze had lingered there too long.

Murphy spun around.

The moment he caught sight of Octavia, Cassie struck. She knocked his legs from under him in a single swoop. His body slammed into the ground, and she didn't waste a second kicking him in the side. He groaned. She delivered another swift kick. He cried out. "Maybe we should kill you for making so much noise?" She leered, kicking him again.

Octavia had scampered up the ladder, her voice beckoning Cassie to join them upstairs. She ignored her, embracing the adrenaline and relishing the body crumpled beneath her. A twisted smile curled onto her face. "This is for Jay, you piece of shit."

Just as she was about to deliver another blow, a broken voice cut through to her. "Cassie!"

She was flying up the stairs before the last syllable had passed his lips. Someone like Murphy wasn't worth it - she had someone to protect. 


hey guys! this week this book reached 1k reads, thank you all so much! i don't know how to say just how thankful i am for you all choosing this book to read, you're all amazing!

see you soon!


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