Chapter 2

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NoOne's POV.

Walking back into the all to familiar great hall that was always filled with warm happiness was now filled with slight dread. It just seemed empty, as most had chosen to stay home this year. How could anyone disagree? The trio walked over to an empty spot and waited for the first years.

"So, how many do you guys think there will be?"Ron whispered to his friends.

"I don't know Ron." The other two shrugged. Harry was interested to see how many would come this year, and when the nervous first years finally came in Harry was quick to be quiet and look over to them.

"Alright, when I call your name come sit on this stool to be sorted into your house."Professor Mcgonagall said.

Whispers silently broke out as everyone guessed were they may be placed. 

"Alright, Henry Hackleson,"

"GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting house shouted.


After the sorting was complete Gryffindor had 23 new members, Ravenclaw 20, Slytherin 22, and Hufflepuff 24.

Hermione and Ron were Prefects, so they lead the new kids to the common room. "Okay everyone the password is Flubberworm", Hermione told everyone. 

   Soon everyone piled into the oh so familiar common room. Since there weren't that many returning 8th years we would be sharing a dorm with some 7th years. Harry was walking into his room thinking, Oh thank Merlin I still have Ron..., as he saw his name on the door to his dormitory. Somehow the others, except Ron, had already made it up here and picked their beds. Two last beds, still empty, lay-ed beside each other. Harry took the less worn-ish looking one (Farther from the others) and quietly took out his stuff for bed with, still, many thoughts in his head as he turned in for the night.

Ron and Hermione.

Once they were sure they had everyone where they needed to be the two sat down on the couch. (There will be some Romione, sorry if you don't like it :3 ) They had grown closer after the war.

"well, Mione, you 'reckon we should get to bed?" Ron asked with a yawn.

"yeah", Hermione replied, she almost seemed to be staring at nothing if it weren't for the fireplace in front of them. But knowing his mione all too well there was something on her mind.

She too noticed how he seemed to have something on his mind. 

"Somethings up with Harry" They said at the same time, both slightly pink as this happened.

"Err... Yeah"

"well, we should talk 'bout this tomorrow?"

"Yeah, goodnight Ron" Hermione said softly before pecking his cheek and running off to the girls dormitory.

"G'night" He replied as he watched her rush up the stairs. He couldn't help but blush as her now-not-so-poofy-hair-but-still-kind-of-poofy flung gently behind her as she walked up the stairs.

a few moments later he walked up to his own dormitory, only to find his best mate, and the others, sleeping peacefully. He changed into his own night wear, and slipped into his own bed for the night.

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