Chapter 4

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Letty got into the back seat and we raced off. By the time that we found Dom, the truck was long gone and Dom was sitting angrily on the side of the road. I crawled into the back so that Dom could get in and off we went. We managed to see Brian throw Vince into his car before he jumped on top of it and they veered off into the empty land. Leon stopped the car and the two men got out.

"Brian! Oh shit." Dom said.

Before they could tell me not to I got out and ran over to Brian, Mia, and Vince with Dom hot on my heels. There was blood, so much blood from the gunshot wound to his side and from the wire that had wrapped itself around his arm.

"Come on Vince, hang in there!" Brian shouted, wrapping a belt tightly around Vince's arm.

Dom pressed his shirt to Vince's side but it wasn't doing anything so I pulled my hoodie off and pushed Dom's hand away. Nobody paid any attention to the fact that I was in a tiny sports bra, we had more important things to worry about.

"If we don 't get him to an ambulance in 10 minutes, he's dead." Brian told Dom.

"Come on V, hold on. You have to hold on. I can't lose you." I said, applying pressure to his wound as best I could as he just groaned and moaned.

"Hold this. Hold the pressure, just like that." Brian told me.

"I got it." I told him, my hands shaking and full of blood.

"Don't let go. Hold his arm up." he told Mia as he fumbled for his phone.

"Vince." Mia cried.

"Yeah, yeah, this is officer Brian O'Conner. I'm off duty LAPD." he said into his phone, making Dom and I snap our heads in his direction.

I could feel the anger rolling off of my brother and I turned to look at Mia who wouldn't look at me. He kept his gaze on Dom as he spoke into his phone, a look I couldn't understand in his eyes. My anger was nothing compared to my brothers, if looks could kill then Brian would be six feet under right now. I don't really know him but I know what Mia told me.

"I need a life flight to roll out right away. My 20 is Highway 86, mile marker 147. I've got one trauma victim, about 24 years of age, six-foot, maybe 200 hundred pounds. He's got a real deep laceration to his right arm with arterial bleeding and he's got a shotgun wound in close range to his left flank. Yeah, he's going into shock." he said, his voice raising an octave or two.

That broke everyone out of their shock. We did the best we could until the helicopter got there and the EMTs did their thing. Mia, Dom and I stood together while Brian accompanied Vince to the helicopter. As soon as they made it and loaded him into the chopper Dom and I walked away.

I couldn't hold my tears in anymore, as soon as I saw Leon he wrapped his arms around me and let me cry. I stood on the side of the car waiting for Mia after Leon let go, getting in after seeing the angry look on my brother's face. My little sister was conflicted, standing literally in between two men that she loves. Brian stood by the chopper, looking at Mia who kept turning her head between him and us.

"Mia, come on! Now!" Dom shouted and she ran over to us.

She got in quietly and without looking at anyone. I really feel for my little sister, it's obvious that she had real feelings for this guy and he lied to her. At least I think he did.

"Did you know?" I asked her.


"Did you know that he was a cop?" I asked angrily, making everyone look at her.

"Dom, Penny, I swear that I didn't, I found out last night. He came to me after you all left and told me that he was a cop. He told me that he needed to find out, he needed to know where you were going so that he could help you. Said that the truckers weren't lying down for the heists anymore and how all of the law enforcement agencies in California were coming down on you guys. I'm so sorry Dom, I swear I just wanted to protect you." Mia said with tears pouring down her cheeks.

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