Chapter 3

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A/N: Editing is going so great that I decided to update today as well! I will update tomorrow and then updates will be every two days until I finish uploading all of it! Thank all of you for staying with me, for supporting me and for being THE MOST AMAZING READERS!

After she left I changed into a pair of black sweatpants with double white stripes on the sides and a matching cropped hoodie. I waited for the perfect moment and found it when Mia tried to stop him. I ran over to where I saw Leon and Vince go, smiling when their eyes widened.

 I ran over to where I saw Leon and Vince go, smiling when their eyes widened

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"Penny . . ." Leon started but I didn't let him finish.

"Don't, whether you like it or not you're one man short and I can help. Leave Dom to me."

My brother's annoyed face turned to shock then anger when he saw me. He looked around but none of the team would look at him. I was just waiting for the arguing to start.

"No! No, no, no you're not coming with us. What the hell are you thinking Penny? What the hell were you three thinking?" he demanded.

"She followed us." Vince said quickly.

"Bitch! Listen, you're down one man and you need the help. You're losing time here Dom. I'll just follow you anyway now that I'm here. I'm not Mia, Dom, I won't take no for an answer." I told him.

"Fuck, fine, but you ride with me." he said, reconfiguring the plan in his head.

"Deal, now what?" I asked.

"Let's go, we're losing daylight." he said.

I fist-bumped Letty and hopped into my car with a smile on my face. This is going to be one hell of a night and it's just getting started. It seems hypocritical for me to be excited about this but Dom stopped including me on these my senior year of high school. These jobs are how I learned how to defend myself, how I learned to stand out in a man's world.

I followed them to Thermal, where they had the cars hidden and we uncovered the cars while they got everything ready.

"Alright, we're one man short so we've gotta bring Penny up to date on everything that I didn't tell her today. Penny, I changed my mind, you'll ride with Leon to even things out. Letty, I need you on the left side." Dom said as Leon chucked a bag at him.

"Let's do this babe." I told Leon, planting a quick kiss on him.

I could tell that the team wasn't completely on board with this. They're all tense and you could clearly read the worry etched over their faces. I don't know why though, I mean I think I do, but the one thing I do know is that their heads aren't here at all.

"Your sister's right about this one. This doesn't feel good." Leon said, handing Dom some metal something.

"Don't do that." my brother replied.

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