1. In demand-Mason

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"you mean to say you are Gay? you do not deny it?  are you crazy?"

mason looked up at the heavens to help him, whoever was there, how can people be so dumb he wondered sometimes.....

"What can I say, gay , bisexual, pansexual, if you know what that means that is, whatever floats your boat dude....I don't discriminate...I love being with boys, girls and everyone that is out there......its what in them that matters to me, or not....."

james blinked at him owlishly,  he was at his wits end, his friend of 3 years is talking to him as if they were talking about the flavours of ice cream...."you slept with Dean ? willingly"

"nopes...it was business...he wanted to see what it was like to get fucked by a man....and he had heard of me through his friends...we settled at 50 dollars and we had a deal...he liked it so much he came back for seconds and thirds and is right now begging for a fourth.....I am thinking of charging him 70 dolars now..you know hike the price up  when the product is in demand??"

"does his girlfriend know?.."

"no......anyway they both are my clients...secrecy is crucial for business"

"wait ..what business ???"

"my business.....getting a night of Mason......slice of heaven..."

"wait..why are you telling me then?..what if I tell them ??"

"you wont..otherwise...I would leak your pictures of your night with Rebecca , when Ashley had no clue about it....I mean sleeping with her best friend..??? ..."

"wait..how do you know about it?...and what....what pictures....Mason I thought you were my friend ?"

"when I hacked Rebecca's phone on our night out...and by the way we are friends..thats why Ashley has no idea about it still...but you know you open your mouth and a lot of other things come out too...you know....."

"whatever ..you are screwed up....get lost"



mason sighed, once again he was the bad guy, when james was the one to approach him for a threesome ....men are screwed up...he sighed, nothing to be done now...with a deal set at 70 dollars, his time was now required to stock up on groceries and be at Dean's house by 7pm....

life....for Mason was not easy, no family,no friends..yeah james was no friend, he already knows that.......the handsome hunk with the killer wink.....in his one bedroom apartment..living from day to day...enrolled at a prestigious college,life was not cheap..he knows it very well,for he pays for it every night,with selling himself.... and tonight Dean helps him with it.

Taming the Escort- Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora