What's Happening?-Stiles Stilinski

Start from the beginning

The minute we got to the animal shelter, Scott jumped out of the car and carried Y/N inside with me at his heels.

"Scott? What's going on?" Deaton asked once we had gotten inside.

"It's Y/N," I started to explain. "She was bleeding and Scott gave her the bite but. . ."

"She isn't accepting it," Scott finished.

Deaton walked up to Scott and looked at Y/N gasping for air in his arms. "She isn't rejecting it either," he mumbled.

"Do you know what's wrong? Can you help her? Is she going to be okay?" I rushed out, my hands starting to shake.

"Scott, take her to the back room," Deaton instructed. "Stiles, I need you to take a deep breath. Whatever is going on with Y/N, she is going to need you to be conscious."

I nodded before following him to the back room. When we walked in, Y/N was laying on the cold metal table. Her shirt was drenched in blood and sweat. My heart sank when I heard her whimpering.

Scott walked over to stand next to me as Deaton looked Y/N over. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked, under my breath.

"If there is anything that can be done, Deaton will figure it out."

Deaton turned around and grabbed a needle to take her blood. While his back was turned away from her, Y/N sat straight up with a scream making all three of us jump.

Deaton stepped forward to try and calm her down, but she freaked out. She started to fight back, trying to get away. "Scott, Stiles. I could use some help."

We tried to lay her back down, but she kept fighting back. "What's happening to her?" I asked as we finally got her to lay down.

"Hold her down," Deaton instructed as he turned around.

"What are you going to do?" I asked when he turned back around, holding a needle. I cringed as he pressed the needle into her neck. Slowly, Y/N started to calm down.

"Stiles," she mumbled before her eyes closed.

"What. . . What happened?" I whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Don't worry," Deaton sighed. "It's just a sedative to calm her down until her body adjusts to the bite."

"So. . . So, she's going to be okay?"

"She's going to be fine, Stiles." He said, patting me on the shoulder.

* * * * *

Reader's POV

My eyes fluttered open but I instantly closed them due to the brightness of the lights. I groaned as my wrist was stinging. "Y/N?"

I turned my head towards the voice and slowly opened my eyes. I smiled when I saw a worried Stiles staring back at me. "Hi," I said weakly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly as he brushed my hair back and continued to run his hands through it.

"I. . . I don't know," I stuttered. I tried to sit up, but he gently pushed me back down.

"Take it easy, Y/N." He said as he helped me sit up. I dangled my feet off the table and that was when I noticed I wasn't at the hospital.

"Did you guys take me to the animal clinic?" I looked at Stiles to see him biting back a laugh. "Nice," I said with a small laugh.

The smile fell from my lips when I saw the bandage on my wrist. I started to unwrap it, but stopped when I noticed there wasn't any sign of a scratch or a wound or a bite.

"Scott gave me the bite, didn't he?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

Stiles reached over and grabbed my hand as he whispered, "He had to do something. You weren't breathing, Y/N."

"Oh," I said under my breath.

"You scared me," he whispered, looking at our hands. My breath got caught in my throat when he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I just. . . I didn't want. . . I didn't want to be a bother," I stuttered.

"What do you mean? Be a bother? Y/N," he sighed.

"I just feel like I am always holding everyone back. Like you guys are always having to save me so. . . I thought that if I could go to the school and find a clue or something, I wouldn't feel like such. . .deadweight."

"Deadweight?" Stiles sighed. I bit my lip as he moved so he was standing in-between my legs, putting his hands on my hips. "You aren't deadweight, Y/N. You are the exact opposite of deadweight. You are my motivation. You are the reason that, at the end of the day, I am still able to get back up. Without you, there would be nothing making me risk my life every day to make Beacon Hills safe."

"Stiles," I sighed, trying to interrupt, but he shook his head.

"Y/N, you are not deadweight. You are my world," he said, annunciating each word. He grabbed my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. I gasped before starting to kiss him back.

He pulled back when neither one of us could breathe. I pressed my forehead to his as my cheeks burned. "I'm going to need your help, Stiles," I whispered.

"I helped Scott, I can help you." He smiled as he leaned back and cupped my cheek in his hand.

"Good," I smiled. "I'm going to need my Batman."

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