bullied girl

20 0 11

Name: "....w..why...?" (aislyn)

Nickname: "...you're mocking me..." (None yet.)

Theme song: emotion- Astrid S

Age: "...." (17)

Sexuality: "go away.." (straight.)

Height: "stop...." (5'5)

Nationality: "...please..?" (Australian American.)

Accent: she has a slight country like accent being raised In Nebraska.)

Personality: "....who sent you...?" (She's quite Mysterious, many call her 'weird', quiet and boring, though when she can actually open up, she's sweet, caring, a definite people pleaser, scary cat, and sadly insecure.)

Addictions: "was it Lilly..?...why does she hate me.." (None.)

Fears: "...Lilly..." (her bullies, not being loved. Her power.)

Hobbies: "crying...." (drawing, practicing her power, planting, star gazing)

Likes: "...stars..." (lights, bright colors, flowers, stars, daytime, spicy foods,)

Dislikes: "..." (dark, her bullies, bullies, yelling.)

Position: "...in what...?" (Dominate uke.)

Turn ons: "I'm sorry...please leave..." (hair pulling, body praising, dressing up, toys, foreplay.)

Turn offs: "..." (rape. Body hair, pain, biting, being rough,)

Virgin/?/: Yes.

Backstory: "..mhm...." (a beautiful baby girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes was born in Nebraska, as she grew she started to get powers based on emotions, like once when she was seven she didn't want to eat her peas, her father tried to find it to her, she broke the fork bending it back wards before it flew to the wall. When she was nine, she could read her mothers mind finding out she was cheating on her father, at eleven she got a vision her mother was pregnant with the other mans child, she told her dad and tore her family apart, the mother left the baby with her and her father and left. Ever since she would learn to handle her power though has some mistakes, those mistakes sometimes happened at school, when she'd read a girls mind and think she was talking to her, only freaking her out, or when she had a vision of a girl falling down the stairs, she tried to warn the girl but she didn't listen and fell down the stairs, her friends think aislyn pushed her but the girl said she did t but told her it would happen, from then on the made everyone hate her and think she was a freak.)

Family:  "why" Roxanne nellio (mother) Jason maliki (father) aiden nellio (brother)

Past lovers: "no.." (None)

Wears/appearance: "are you blind..?" (Normally wears floral shirts and skirts or shorts, or her school uniform.

?" (Normally wears floral shirts and skirts or shorts, or her school uniform

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Other: she's very protective of her brother

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Other: she's very protective of her brother. Do not test her when it comes to him.

My OCs (because I need to keep track of these hoes-)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum