Chapter 10- The Nightmare

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, they got us, in real time, remember?"

There's fear in the air again.  I feel him hugging me.

"Y/N!  Wake up!"

"Who got us?"

"Come on Y/N, you know.  They're gonna kill us," Enoch explains.

"Y/N!  Wake up!  You're having a nightmare!" Enoch yells, but I'm looking at him and he didn't say anything.

All of a sudden, I hear a gunshot.

I shoot up, and I'm sitting up in Enoch's bed.  I'm sweating, and a tear is dripping down my face.  The real Enoch is hugging me, and trying to calm me down.  I grab him and bury my face into his neck.

It was the same nightmare I had when we first got on Cairnholm.  I only saw people, and felt emotions again.  What does that even mean?

"Enoch, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to wake you up, it's this stupid nightmare I keep having," I apologize.

"Do you wanna talk about it?  I'm right here, don't worry.  It's not real," he comforts.

I tell him about the nightmare, and he holds me tighter.

I pull him off of me, and I get up.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to talk to Alex."

"It's four in the morning."

"You think I care?  Alex will just have to deal with it." I state, and walk out of his room.

I walk into our room, and I close the door and turn the light on.


She rolls over and rubs her eyes.

"What?  Go away!"

"No.  I need to tell you about this."

"Fine, spill."

I explain the dream and my thoughts on how Henry, our grandfather and Abe, Jacob's grandfather were doing who knows what in America with hollows.

"Oof.  That's... oof," Alex sighs, shaking her head.

"I know, what's it supposed to mean?"

"No.  Oof to you thinking that my mind is working now.  I'll tell you what I think in 4 hours, goodnight."

"Ugh, goodnight."

I walk back into Enoch's room, and he jumps as I just barge in.

"Hey Y/N, did you ever think about knocking?  It's really a wonderful thing," Enoch says, scooting over in his bed to make room for me.

I close the door and sit down.  "I have, I just don't care."


We lie back down together, and I fall back asleep.


When I wake up in the morning, I realize I didn't have anymore nightmares last night.

I wake Enoch up, (I know, girlfriend of the year) and we go downstairs.

No one is really doing anything, and the next few days are pretty boring.  If we aren't helping around the house, we are sitting around bored.  Enoch and I took the time to get to know more about each other.  I guess we have a lot in common, I mean, as much as two people with a 102 year age gap can have.

Olive is alright too.  Apparently she was crushing over Enoch for 76 years.  I told her I was sorry, but she even admitted to never having a chance.  She said that one day she would find someone, and I hope she does.

It was on the third day that things started happening.  Miss Peregrine had called us around, and told us a man outside of the loop had died under suspicious circumstances.  No one was allowed to leave the house, so a couple of the other kids go up into Emma's room.

Alex was playing with Bronwyn, and Enoch was making a homunculus out of clay.  Emma was on the ceiling, and she kept bouncing up from the floor to the top.

Soon enough, Jacob walked in.  Emma went back down into her lead shoes, and we all looked up.

"You're back!" Emma exclaims.

Jacob explained about how if he leaves, he can't come back.  All of us start to get fired up, especially Emma.

"She can't do that!!!" she protests.

Jacob tells us that he has to leave, his father is still on the island in the present day.

"Then I'm coming with you," Emma declares.

"You're not serious," Alex replied.

"I am," she snaps back.

"What you are is three-quarters stupid," my boo begins, "you'll turn into a wrinkled old prune, and for what?  Him?"

Everyone starts arguing back and forth, well more or less Enoch and Emma.  After a couple of minutes of debating what to do, we have a plan.  Apparently, there was someone who may or may not have been eaten by a hollow.

"I know how we can be sure that he was killed by a hollow," Enoch claims.

"And how's that?" Millard asked.

"We'll ask him."

A/N:  Ayeee guyss!! Sorry that this wasn't out on Sunday... and that it's now Thursday... I hope you all can forgive me for that!  Tons of this chapter came straight from the book Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, so I just needed to say that.  I don't know exactly which pages everything came from, so if you are wondering I can go back and look.  It is from chapters 9-10, so there you go, it's an approximate answer.  Like always, a chapter will be out on Saturday and I'll see you all then!! -Luna Maine

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