" i might or might not love you, "

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Sams eyes flickered open, knowing today was going to be another torturous and emotional day once again. You see, there is a reason Sam has been like this, and it began from the first day he met his one true love.
You should know him, Colby Brock is his name.

Sam loved Colby, with all his heart, he couldn't tell himself he didn't find him attractive anymore. Although, as soon as he admitted that to himself, it only got worse.

Whenever Colby was around another girl, Sam would break down. It was hurt him so much to know that no matter what happened, the ocean eyed boy would never love him, maybe as a best friend, obviously. But never the way he had always dreamed of.

Everyday was more painful. At this point, Sam was used to it. But, then again, it only ever got worse.
Even every once in a while, Sam would get jealous over little things that should not of bothered him at all.

Sam had gotten jealous because Corey had helped him make coffee...
What the hell is happening to me? Sam calmly thought to himself, sitting down next to the roommates, while Colby was upstairs.

" Sam, what is going on with you? " Jake said, not aggressively, but Sam still felt intimidated.

" Oh, ha. Nothing. " Sam quietly spoke, but he was lying.

" Lair. " Aaron laughed to himself, joking in the conversation.

" What the hell? I'm fine. " Sam once again spoke, a little more proudly and confident, but he still felt small and useless.

" Tell me, sam. What is wrong? " Jake interrupted Sams thoughts of negative gay slurs and curse words.

" Ugh, nothing. Would you just fûçkíñg leave me alone? "

Sadness was overpowering Sams body and he couldn't do anything about it, usually, he would just let it go and run to his room where no one could find him, but this time. There was no use.
He couldn't hide it anymore, no matter how long he wanted to.

Sams eyes began flooding with tears, harshly dripping down his numb cheeks.

" Shh, calm down. Trust us, Sammy. Everything will be fine, " Aaron carefully patted Sams back while Corey and Jake surrounded him in a calming and peaceful way.

" I d-dont know what's happening to me, guys. I feel so e-empty but so full of feelings at the same time. I'm sca-scared one moment, " Sam took a deep breathe, trying to calm down, but it didn't work, " then the next, I'm n-normal, calm and acting like I- I was alright. "

The roommates stayed silent, Aaron still rubbing his back and making sure Sams head was comfortable on his shoulder. Without Sam knowing, Colby was standing at the doorway, listening in.
He felt sorry for him, but other than that, content.

Colby had already figured out Sam adored him with all his heart, he knew how Sam would do anything for him.
But Colby had hidden it from himself for think about Sam in the way he wanted to, how he knew he was so adorable and peaceful. Or how he smiles when Colby does something kind to little kids.

Colby was madly in love with Sam.

But he was forced not to show it, until now,

" I.. I love Colby... I always have- I-." Sam stuttered before Colby walked forward.
Placing his warm hands on Sams chin and lifting it up so his eyes met Sams.

Gently placing a soft, warm, meaningful kiss on Sams pink lips. It wasn't anything sensual, it was just full of calmness and love.
Their eyes lit up with compassion and lust, giving a quick smile to each other before Colby stating proudly.

" I might or might not love you, Sam."


au• there you go, first one shot complete!
it's nothing special, but there will be smut, cuteness and text messages coming soon, hopefully; if school doesn't hate me and give me too much homework yum. <~<.

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