chapter 21 - The Sun Also Rises

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"And where do we fit into it?" Elena asked, looking at Alex.

"The final part of the ritual," Elijah answered, taking a wooden box from a shelf. "Klaus must drink the blood of the Doppelganger and Wraith, in that order... to the point of your deaths."

From 2.20 "The Last Day", in Damon's room, Damon and Alex were talking.

Damon tilted his head sadly. "I can't lose you."

Alex looked at him sadly, shaking her head. "You won't."

Alex slowly turned for the door, taking a deep, steadying breath, starting to walk away.

Damon rushed in front of her, making her gasp. "There is another way."

Damon put his wrist to Alex's mouth so he could feed her his blood, even while Alex didn't want to.  

Cristian arrived, pushing Damon off of Alex.

Alex fell to the floor, having blood on her lips. She was in shock, horrified.

Liv and Elena knelt next to Alex.

Stefan stood, turning to face Damon. "She'll come back as a vampire!"

"How could you, of all people, take that choice away from her?" Cristian asked.

From 2.20 "The Last Day", in the library of the Salvatore Boarding House, Elijah stood behind Damon. "She'll never forgive you."

From 2.03 "Bad Moon Rising", outside the college campus, Stefan was on the phone with Kaylin and Nicola. "According to legend... a werewolf bite can kill a vampire."  

From 2.20 "The Last Day", in the woods, Cristian rushed toward Tyler, tackling him to the ground.

Tyler was above Cristian when they landed, nipping at him.

Cristian held him off.

Kaylin rushed to push Tyler off of Cristian, making him fall to the ground and roll away. She looked at Cristian worriedly. "Cris?"

"I'm fine," Cristian told them, standing.

From 2.20 "The Last Day", in the Lockwood Cellar, Kacie was still chained up.

Damon closed the iron gate between him, Kaylin, Caroline and Matt and Kacie.

Wolf!Tyler walked in, growling. He growled hungrily.

Kacie looked up. Her eyes were glowing gold. She looked at the wolf version of her brother. "Tyler, don't!"

Wolf!Tyler rushed toward the gate.

Kacie leaped toward Wolf!Tyler, trying to stop him, to save the others.

Caroline screamed.

From 2.20 "The Last Day", in the foyer of the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan and Nicola were talking.

"Klaus just took Alex and Elena," Stefan told her.

Nicola looked around, overwhelmed. "Stefan, Liv is supposed to be here. She's not here. Where the hell is she?"

From 2.20 "The Last Day", in Alaric's Loft, Cristian and Klaus were facing off.

"I've heard about you," Klaus told him. "The strong, moral defender of the weak and the lost. I knew you would try to stop me."

"Just tell me where Liv is," Cristian told him. "She's missing, and I know you have her. If you want to punish me, then punish me. Don't take it out on her."

Klaus smirked. "Now, where's the fun in that? First rule... always have a backup."

The laptop showed a live video of Jules lying on the floor of a cellar, chained to the wall. She was transforming, screaming in agony.

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