chapter 13 - Daddy Issues

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From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Eliza: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's living room, Alaric was explaining the Sun and the Moon Curse to Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Jeremy. "Vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the parking lot, Mason jumped onto the car, onto the ground, jumping over Carter, in between him, Tyler and Kacie. His eyes were glowing amber gold.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Since then, werewolves can only turn..."

From 1.10 "The Turning Point", outside the high school, up in the sky above Tyler, there was a full moon.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "On a full moon."

From 1.06 "Lost Girls", in Stefan's room, Damon put his hand in the sunlight, making his skin sizzle

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "And vampires are weakened by the sun."

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's living room, Alaric was explaining the Sun and the Moon Curse to Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Jeremy. "The werewolf part of the curse..."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the Lockwood Study, Kacie opened the box, revealing the moonstone inside.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Is sealed with the moonstone."

From 2.08 "Rose", in the abandoned house, Elijah walked in.

Elena: (voice over from 2.09 Katerina) "Elijah."

Kaylin: (voice over from 2.09 Katerina) "One of the Originals."

From 2.09 "Katerina", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Stefan, Elena and Alex sat on the couch.

Liv was leaning against the back of the couch.

Nicola and Kaylin were sitting in chairs on either side of the couch.

Rose, Damon and Cristian were standing, facing them.

"Klaus is the real deal," Rose told them.

"The oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after my sisters?" Liv asked.    

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in Alex/Elena's room, Alex and Elena were having a meeting with Elijah.

"I'm prepared to offer the two of you a deal," Elijah told them.

Alex stepped closer. "What kind of a deal?"

"I need you two to stay put, and stop trying to get yourselves killed," Elijah told them. "Then I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed."

From 2.12 "The Descent", in the foyer of the Gilbert House, Alex, Stefan and Elena were talking.

"I, um, I called Isobel," Stefan told them.

Alex was obviously not happy about this. "Did you find her?"

They heard John's voice. "Not exactly." He stepped out of the kitchen into the hall. Alex glared at John, surprised and angry. "Hello, Alex."

Alex took a deep, suppressed-angry breath. "Uncle John."

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Lockwood Mansion's foyer, Tyler, Kacie and Carol stood inside, facing Jules on the outside.

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