Chapter 1

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I walking toward the exit of the airport. I just got back from seeing my mom in New York.

My mom used to live here with My Dad and I, but when he died... she didn't want to stay here.

I wanted to, so I stayed with My Aunt Lesley. She gladly let me stay with her and my mom went back to Canada to live with her brother, Uncle Torrey.

I grew older and soon I was in my own house. I worked for Drake, but didn't like the job to much.

"Excuse me, miss?" Someone mentioned me from behind me. I turned.

"Yes?" I asked the little boy. He looked scared.

"I can't find my mommy." He said softly. "C-can you please help me?"

"Of course sweetheart. Where was the last place you saw them?" He pointed towards the suitcases. We walked over. "See them?"

"No" he shook his head.

"Did you tell her where you were going somewhere or anything?" He thought for a moment.

"I-I said I had to go pee." I nodded and looked for the bathroom. I saw a very panicked woman yelling at a security guard. I grabbed his hand and we walked over toward the bathrooms. The woman saw us and almost fainted.

"Oh thank god!" She rushes over and grabbed the boy.

"Mommy!" He yelled and hugged her. They held each other for dear life. I smiled at the two. She looked up at me.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what would've happened if someone else found him!" She stood and hugged me. I awkwardly hugged back. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of hugs.

"Well your very welcome." I replied with a smile and said goodbye to the two.

I walked towards the exit again and noticed a dog was following me. I walked out of the airport and called a cab.

The dog sat next to me as if waiting for the cab too. I smiled at the cute dog. The cab pulled up and I hopped in. I told the cab driver where I wanted to go and we headed off.

I looked over and saw the dog next to me. What the hell?

I stared at the dog, trying to keep my distance. It just stared at me.

Who's dog is it? Why did it follow me? I wonder if it can talk?

Yeah, Hailey... the dog can talk.

I shook my head and got rid of the stupid questions.

We arrived in front of my house and got out. The dog followed. I stopped at the door and so did the dog. I bent down toward the dog.

"You do know that I can't let you in, right?" The dog just stared and it walked up to me. It touched me hand and I felt pain.

I yelped as I saw dark purple slime stuff come out the dog and into me. I felt pain in my entire body and cried. The dog fell and laid on the ground.

I gasped breathlessly as I stared at me hand, then to the dog.

"The hell!?" I exclaimed in shock.

I stared down at the dog for a moment, trying to see if it was okay.

"What the hell? What the hell..." I whispered with a scrunched face as I noticed it was dead.

"Oh jeez not the doggy! What do I do? What do I do?" I panicked as I looked around me.

Something just came out it! I don't wanna touch it, but I don't want to leave it here.

I grabbed my phone out and searched up a number I could call to take care of the dog because leaving it here is just mean.

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