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My body is shining as bright as the summer sun, despite it being Spring, as my heart races inside my chest and my face as warm as a fireplace.

This feeling is like nirvana or cloud 9 and it's all because of one person named Kim Taehyung. It's been a few days since we went to lunch together, except he sat right next to me this time.

Our shoulders would occasionally brush against each other and I would shiver from the soft touches. Taehyung would pinch my cheeks as he cooed, "My Kookie is so cute!~" I felt as if my body ascended to heaven from the angel's touch.

All of lunch was filled with Taehyung putting all of his attention on me and I remember being so confused as to why he suddenly became so clingy.

Maybe he suddenly feels the same way as me? Maybe he loves me like how I love him and breathe him in and out?

I shake my head at that thought as I walk home. There's no way an ethereal being such as Taehyung loves me back.

Someday, he'll spread his angelic wings and fly far away from here, leaving me here to miss him. I have to realize the love I want from him will never happen.

My heart begins to slow down, my light dims, and my face cools down at my thoughts.

That's right. Taehyung only sees me as just a friend, nothing more. Maybe this is my destiny. To forever be stuck loving someone who is too far for me to reach out for.

I sigh. "Stuck forever..." My voice soft as the wind blows against me.

Suddenly, warm arms wrap around me and I jump then turn around to look up to see Taehyung smiling big at me.

"Kookie," Taehyung begins with his sweet voice. "What's wrong? You looked really happy then sad the next." He frowns as I blush in embarrassment.

I forgot Taehyung goes this way to his house on certain days and I guess he saw me thinking a lot.

I bite my lip and shake my head. "N-Nothing's wrong, Tae. Wha-What's up with you?"

He gives me a concerned look before removing his arms from me and we continue to walk side by side. Taehyung sighs then shrugs and looks at me before asking, "Can I ask you a question without you judging me?"

My heart skips a beat when he holds my hand and begins to rub the back of my hand with his thumb. All while looking worried at me. Kim Taehyung is going to kill me one day just by breathing the same air as me.

I nod as I stare into his honey brown eyes, "Ask away, Taehyung." Our eyes widen at how soft my voice is, but we ignore it quickly as we focus on the dying question.

Taehyung sighs once again then asks, "Jungkook, do you think I'm hot? Like, really good to look at?"

My cheeks flush rose pink at the sudden question as Taehyung moves his face away to hide his blush.

Why would he ask me this? Is he insecure or is he thinking about the people tht only like him for his visuals?

I answer his question with my own. "Are you asking this because of some people only caring about your visuals?"

Taehyung turns his head to look at me with sad eyes then nods slowly and he sighs. "I know I shouldn't think about them, but I can't help it. All I hear from people is how hot I look and not of how I think or anyone talking about the real me." He shakes his head a bit. "I just want to know what you think about me. Am I just your hot...friend?"

I look at my shoes as I think of a way to tell Taehyung my dying answer without revealing my love for him. Everything will be ruined if he finds out I love him more than I love myself.

But, he needs to know my thoughts right now more than ever.

I decide to seize the moment and stop walking then hold Taehyung's hand tighter. He looks at me with a worried stare, but I ignore it to focus on the next words I will tell.

I look into Taehyung's eyes as I tell him, "I don't think you're hot, Taehyung."

He gives me a confused mixed with fear look. "What? Wh-What do you mean?"

My nerves begin to rise, but I push it down to focus on the most kindhearted human being in the world.

I take hold of Taehyung's other hand then gaze deep into his eyes to see his beautiful and radiant soul lingereing behind the brown of his eyes.

"I don't think you're hot or pretty. I know you're ethereal and so kind towards others that I wish other people would see that, yet I'm happy they don't because being able to see an ethereal person like you truly act like your goofy yet elegant self is like a blessing. Every beauty mark, every cute snort, and every cute saying is what makes you who you are and I love them all about you. I love all the things I've heard and felt with you and I really wish it stays that way until the end of time." I stop to take a deep breath and Taehyung stares at me with wide eyes.

I bite my lip to hold back the cries begging to be released as my eyes tear up. I finally confess my inner feelings. "Kim Taehyung, I've been in love with you since that day all those years ago when you gave me that band-aid when I scraped my knee at the park. I've been hiding it for so long because I was scared of what would happen to us all because of my stupid fe-"

I'm cut off by Taehyung hugging me tight and I hug him back. I inhale his vanilla and peach scent, knowing this is the last time I'll ever be close to Taehyung ever again.

I begin to pull away after a few minutes, but Taehyung holds me closer and whispers ever so softly with his sweet bass voice, "I love you too, Jeon Jungkook. So, so, so much."

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