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WHEN ASH GROWINS'S cell door opens two weeks before her birthday (though there is a lot more to that story), she accepts that it probably means that death via floating will soon follow

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WHEN ASH GROWINS'S cell door opens two weeks before her birthday (though there is a lot more to that story), she accepts that it probably means that death via floating will soon follow.

But, surprisingly, death is not what follows.

Instead, she finds herself on a planet that was previously thought to be inhabitable with no supervision. Even worse, she's surrounded by 100 other delinquents who have absolutely nothing to lose and a planet to themselves.

Except the planet is not to themselves. And the habitants of it are not very happy to have visitors that have no way back to where they came from, and are willing to go to war over it.

So how long will it take for Ash to stop preaching peace and learn to become something new to survive? How long will it take for her smiles to drop and her eyes to harden? Most importantly, how long will it take for her to realize her feelings for a curly haired boy who insists on calling her Angel?

So how long will it take for Ash to stop preaching peace and learn to become something new to survive? How long will it take for her smiles to drop and her eyes to harden? Most importantly, how long will it take for her to realize her feelings for...

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— signa o keefe

BELLAMY BLAKE — bob morley

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— bob morley

SMITH KOM TRIKRU — colin farewell (2005)

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— colin farewell (2005)

SMITH KOM TRIKRU — colin farewell (2005)

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— theo james

THE REST OF THE 100 CAST— themselves

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— themselves

THE REST OF THE 100 CAST— themselves

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i do not claim ownership to any of the original characters from the 100 created by jason rothenburg OR kass morgan, nor their plots

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i do not claim ownership to any of the original characters from the 100 created by jason rothenburg OR kass morgan, nor their plots. i do, however, claim ownership to the characters i've created, their characteristics, and their storylines that do not correlate with the books or tv show.

do not plagiarize them in any way shape or form or i will hunt you down. :)

hey everyone, it's emily :))) thank you so much for 100k reads—it means so much that the little idea i had two years ago has become as loved as it is

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hey everyone, it's emily :))) thank you so much for 100k reads—it means so much that the little idea i had two years ago has become as loved as it is. ily all so much thank you for everything!!

as always please don't forget to comment your thoughts, vote, and share!

<3 all and enjoy!!

- emily


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