He said each kingdom had a glamoured Dark Forest. They are working in the shadows and will only reveal themselves later.Taylor said he was the King of Draco Kings.

He told me also that the reason his spy is here for word had spread of Draco's walking in daylight and some Draco changing back into Dragon Masters," Raymond's whole body was tensed and he was staring at something in though.

She then told him of the story her Aunt told her behind the reason of the light festival. About the powerful healer she descended from who created the first Kevari partners. That they believe that same powers flow through her veins and want to capture her. There was cold silence between them.

 It was a big shock to her but to him? "The Draco King... he could be lying to you... tricking you," Mernique shook her head for she also though the same thing," He isn't. He was right about the Draco Spy that was here and he told me he would tell me these things to prove he...loves me." The words sounded weird in her mouth.

Like ash... it didn't belong there. "He can't love!" Raymond roared anger sizzling of him dangerously. "He told me that we don't know everything about them." She whispered seeing people turning to them.

After that they didn't speak for a long time. Just scanning the crowds looking for anything.This is a big place... it would take forever to find him without powers.

 She titled her head up at the moon that was full and round tonight. It's pale light shining on the Earth. Her dress was rustling on the grass, it tickling her feet.

She hasn't seen her Aunt still... Raymond was walking ahead getting more tense by the minute. "Why don't you try to... get another lady?" She asked and regretted it minute it came out. Raymond looked utterly shocked and baffled.

She has never seen him... speechless before.He was silent when his words came out as thunder," Why do you care?" She could hear the edge in his voice and she knew it was something sensitive. "Don't you ever get lonely? Don't you miss to have someone to laugh with, be with? Not to have to wear a mask of how you feel.

To have someone take the weight off your worries." He whirled around to her and she saw the fury in his eyes," No,because the minute you have something like that... the minute you lose it. It is gone forever and you have a hole inside of you. "She knew he wasn't directing his anger at her but at the wound still healing inside his heart.

 Mernique understood... the minute she finds someone that special to share it with... she would also be afraid to lose it. For she loses everything that she loved most.Maybe, because of that she slowly placed her hand on his cheek. The fury was gone... just utter shock remained in his eyes.

How long has it been since someone touched him like that? "Yes, it is true but for that short time... you deserve to be happy Raymond. Out of everyone you deserve to be loved and cherished.

To be happy and free. "His eyes softened incredibly and there was an emotion behind them she couldn't read. He reached out his hand and his fingers grazed her cheek lightly where he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear that has fallen to her face thanks to the cold breeze.

That touch send a spark through her. He was staring into her eyes his hand didn't move from her face. His thumb lightly stroked her cheek with such gentleness. Raymond might be hard and cold but always seems to be gentle with the things he loved.

 "Mernique..."  The way he spoke her name made fireworks explode inside her. He was slowly leaning his head towards hers. She could feel his breath on her face sending goosebumps everywhere on her body. Suddenly there was a snarl ringing through their ears.They both whirled around and saw a tall slender guy bare his teeth at them and his eyes changing to red. The Draco Spy.

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