Chapter 4

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Alice opened her curtains and looked out of the window. It was sunny, to her relief, perfect weather for the last day of school. Along with the rest of the students at Riverdale High, her, FP, Fred and Mary were planning to go to the town carnival, which was opening for the summer. Alice had asked Hermione to come along but she said she was going with Hiram.


None of them liked Hiram, Fred especially. They had been on bad terms before Hermione but when Hiram had started going out with her things had gotten worse. There had been heated confrontations in the corridor, which escalated to fights, one time Fred being suspended for slamming Hiram's head into a locker. 

Even  though, Fred was with Mary, it was so obvious that he still had feelings for Hermione. Both Alice and FP knew it, even Mary probably noticed, but chose to do nothing of it.

Alice sat at her dresser and began to put on lipstick, red, more her colour. When she was with Hal, she was practically forced to dress up like his perfect Northsider trophy girlfriend, meaning a pretty pink lip gloss was more 'suitable'. Now, she was out of Hal's controlling grip and back into FP's strong, capable arms.

FP had been really really sweet about the pregnancy and extremely protective of Alice and their soon-to-be baby. He was very cautious when they went out anywhere, making sure she was okay and happy. Just seeing him all cute and concerned made Alice happy.

She put her school books in her bag and started to fix her hair when the doorbell rang. Hearing her mum's sweet voice talking to the visitor at the door, Alice slung her bag over her shoulder and walked down the stairs. To her surprise, FP stood there, all smiles, deep in conversation with her mum. Alice panicked.

She hadn't told her parents she was back with FP, let alone pregnant. Scared that FP might accidentally let something slip, Alice interrupted their conversation politely.

" Hey mom, we really need to get going."

Mrs Smith smiled.

" Of course honey, see you later."

Alice stepped out of the door and pushed FP a little to get him down the stairs. As soon as Mrs Smith closed the door, Alice turned to FP, a worried look upon her face.

" What did you say to her?" 

FP laughed.

" Don't worry. I didn't say anything." His face frowned a bit. " You do need to tell them about the baby though."

Alice sighed.

" I know." She began to look around, a little confused. " Where's your motorbike?"

They started to walk.

" You think I'd let my pregnant girlfriend near a motorbike? Jeez baby, you thought wrong."

Alice rolled her eyes but smiled all the same.

Once they were out of sight of the Smith household, FP snaked an arm around Alice's waist as she tilted her head to kiss him.

" Hey," she said.

" Hi. You still up for later?"

Alice nodded.

" Yeah. Hermione isn't coming with us though."

" She going with the bastard?"

" Yeah." She looked down at the floor.

" You miss her don't you."

" She was there when I took the pregnancy test. That's how much I trust her. But recently, she hasn't had the time to talk to me because of Hiram and it feels like I'm losing her. Hiram's controlling her like Hal did to me."

" Yeah and you realised he was doing that to you and you got out of it. Maybe Hermione needs to be told what's happening to her."

They had arrived at school. When they got into the corridor, they were joined by Fred and Mary, who looked extremely pleased.

" Last day of school guys!" Fred said, slapping FP on the back.

Both Alice and FP grinned as they all continued to walk down the corridor, up to their lockers. As they sorted out their stuff, they began discussing arrangements for later. Pops at half four, then straight to the carnival. 

Fred's eyes began to drift over Mary's shoulder and she, along with Alice and FP, followed his eye line. Hiram Lodge, accompanied by Hermione and Clifford and Penelope Blossom, was heading past them, giving Fred the dirtiest look. Hermione purposely looked down at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with any of her old friends. Fred however, stared straight at her. When they were gone, Fred started up the conversation again, however, not all there. 

When the bell signalled for first class,  Alice said goodbye to FP as Mary did to Fred.

" Take it easy, okay baby?" FP said seriously as Alice giggled.

" I'll be fine!" she replied, kissing him.

Then, Alice and Mary set off one way down the corridor as Fred and FP went down the opposite.

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