🍁me forget🍁

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Your tears were still flowing, the saltiness stinging your eyes and cheeks because of the amount of the times that you had rubbed your hands against them to dry the tears. The rain had already stopped, in fact, it hadn't lasted long but just enough to drench you. After Baekhyun had pulled away from the hug, he simply had gripped at your elbow to help you stand up. And you didn't object when he told you that he'd take you to his place. At that point, you would have been glad with anything.

A blanket was draped over your shoulders as you sat on the couch, behind you was Baekhyun plugging the hair dryer into the stream. He had given you some of his clothes to change into while yours dried, in which they turned out to be almost three sizes larger than yours, but it was comfortable and you felt small in them. Which for a fact you loved, and Baekhyun knew it. Usually, you would have snuggled into the couch excitedly, but all you could do now was staring blankly at the wall. No matter how comforting and nice it was to be with Baekhyun, nothing at the moment could conceal the empty feeling in your chest.

You couldn't describe it to yourself. It was almost shocking. Never had you expected that your life would turn out like this, that someone like Jongdae would do this to you. You frowned, feeling empty yet having your heart throb painfully. Cold fingers squeezing around it until its break point. 

The hair stuck to your skin uncomfortably, your mind wandering back to Jongdae. You loved him so much. So much that nonetheless what you were going through, for the slightest second you could feel your heart swell at the memory of his angelic smile. The way his eyes would disappear into crescent moons, showing his pearly white teeth. It was like you were doing everything to deny to yourself that this has actually happened. 

No, no way this could have happened to you, out of all people. Your fiancee didn't dump you. Right?

Your arms tightened around you as you hid your face inside f them, knees reaching your chest. Who were you trying to fool? Why would someone as perfect as Jongdae want to stay by your side forever? Maybe he had just realized that a future with you wasn't really what he had wanted after all. But why? Did he fall for someone else, perhaps someone else had managed to make him feel like no other like you never had ever made him feel. The thought made you wince with pain. You still wanted him all for yourself. You couldn't stand the fact that someone had stolen his heart from your hands. After all, you had always done the possible to show him how much he meant to you. Hadn't you done enough?

And in all of this, why couldn't you find the heart to blame him? It frustrated you. You had every right in this world to be angry, to be mad and storm back to his house and lash out to him. But after all of this, there was no single strength in your body to do that.

Maybe it was never meant to be. But you couldn't help yourself when you inwardly questioned the reason why God had let this gone as far as it had, only for it to broken. For your heart to be broke. For you to be destroyed

"Sweetheart, "Baekhyun's sweet whisper pulled you out of your immense thoughts. You hadn't noticed how he had walked around the couch only to see how you were doing. With big startled eyes, you gawked at him, but you immediately felt yourself calm down when he shot you that beautiful reassuring smile. 

His hand had at some point found yours, and you didn't pull away when his thumb started drawing circles on your knuckles.

"I'll dry your hair now, hm?" 

You let your eyes droop close when the hair dryer was pointed at you, warm air blowing at your skin as Baekhyun's slender fingers combed through your hair, massaging your head at the same time. He had insisted to dry your hair while you had tried to convince him that you could totally do it on your own. But just like you remembered him, he was stubborn and wouldn't have it any other way. He had said that he wanted to bring back your old best friend habits, and there hadn't been much you could have done to make him change his mind.

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