He had watched with fascinated horror as the trees began to uproot themself with the force of the odd, swirling gateway that had opened behind them. The force had finally snapped an entire chunk of a tree loose, and Gray was forced to watch as rammed Natsu directly in the head.

The moment the dragon slayer had fallen unconscious, they'd been ripped back into the unknown.

The gravitational pull of the portal as they'd gone through made his head spin and caused his vision to darken in spots, but he never let go of Natsu's wrist.

At least, not until they'd hit the ground. The force with which they'd been ejected on the other side had caused the pinkette to skid at least fifty feet, whereas Gray slammed back first into a tree.


All of Fiore was horrified to learn of the the disappearance of two well known mages, and even more so when they were told there were no leads.

Just like the Tenrou incident, it would not be long before Fiore's people forgot about Fairy Tail's famous rivals, but just like the Tenrou incident, Natsu and Gray's family would never stop looking for them.


The things they had noticed first about the desolate land they had ended up on, was that it never seemed to go above forty was alway cold, and the sun never seemed to make an appearance through the ashen clouds that never rained. There was no distinction between day and night; it was always just light enough to see, but too dark to be comfortable.

The landscape was completely different to anything there were used to, and everything seemed to have a grey tint to it. The exception, of course, were the few people they'd come across.

They were full of color, and unfortunately not in a good way. Every person they'd come across tried to raid them for the supplies they didn't have nor need. There were plenty of lakes and rivers with fish, and Natsu's ability to sniff out what was and wasn't poisonous left them with all sorts of fruits and berries.

Their true advantage however, was that they could access their magic.

Where ever they traveled to, Gray would build an ice house, and when the left the area, Natsu would melt it down.

The plan had been to find out about this world and to see if anyone knew how they could get home, but not one person had any interest in helping anyone.

They learned that when they watched a child slit open the throat of a sleeping adult for a box containing who knows what.

While they had yet to see anyone else use any form of magic, they refused to leave the others sight anymore.

In a world without the sun, that had become each other's personal patch of sunlight.


A year had passed, and just as predicted, the people began to forget. The guilds, however, did not. Not one mage in all of Fiore had forgotten the duo or the things they had done for not only the country, but the entire world.

Princess Hisui herself had begun to call in favors outside of Fiore. Mages from around the world had received help from Fairy Tail in the past, and many had gotten it from Natsu and Gray themselves.

It didn't take long for other incidents to start being linked together.


It was difficult keeping track of time in a world where the sun was never seen above the horizon. It was honestly a miracle any plants had survived, unless of course, they relied on something other than photosynthesis.

Gratsu Week 2018Where stories live. Discover now