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a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.

Phenomenons were common on Earthland, as most magic did not have a proper explanation. The unexplainable happened all the time, and in some cases, no one questioned it. In other cases, it went questioned for years at a time.

In one particular instance, it was three years. Three very long, very hard years for two, and three very sad years for the rest.


Fairy Tail was known for their penchant of attracting trouble and odd situations.

One of their members was transported to another world, and the rest had believed them to be dead.

Frequent etherious attacks, including, but not limited to, Lullaby, Deliora, and all of Tataros.

Attacks by dark guilds.

Being trapped on a island for seven years.

In short, no one was ever surprised to hear that whatever new, insane phenomenon had taken place had happened to Fairy Tail.

That fact didn't make it any less horrifying.


When Natsu and Gray had once again destroyed a significant portion of a town while on a mission, Makarov decided he'd had enough.

"Both of you are going to transport this box to Blue Pegasus for me." The duo looked at Makarov as if he'd grown a second head. The box was empty besides a small slip of paper. "You are not going to take the train, and if anything, and I mean anything, gets destroyed on your way there, you will not go on a single mission for the next three months. Do I make myself clear?" Several of their guildmates burst into raucous laughter at the predicament the two rivals had gotten into.

"Yes, Master," they said in unison.

It wasn't even an hour before they had left through the woods, and it would not be a day before they were far out of Fairy Tail's reach.


It had been a week when Makarov had finally decided to call Master Bob.

"Maki, they never showed up," his best friend told him, "I can have some of my mages look around the area if you'd like?"

"I would appreciate that." Within minutes, every mage at Fairy Tail had spread out to find their most destructive mages.

There were jokes of how they probably got into another contest with one another, or how Erza was going to murder them when she found them.

Fairy Tail had always been a jovial place, but not one of them could crack so much of a smile when they were led to a clearing by their dragon slayers.

The wooden box lie in splinters, and the note had been too thoroughly covered in dirt to read. All of the trees in the area were cracked and splintered as if a single force had decided to rip away half of their trunks and roots. The found Gray's pendant, the last remainder of his blood family, in pieces, and Natsu's precious scarf had been torn to shreds.

And the worst part of it all?

There scents stopped in one spot, just above a few droplets of dried blood.


Gray was panicking. Everything had been fine fifteen minutes ago. Everything had been fine, and then there was a shrill sound behind them and their feet left the ground. His pendant had caught on a branch a busted into pieces as he flew backwards too fast to realize what was happening. Natsu's grip on his wrist had stopped him with enough force to nearly dislocate his shoulder. They were both still in the air, only grounded by the tree branch Natsu had wrapped his scarf around.

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