"What do you mean evil?" I frowned.

"His eyes, they...they flashed red for a minute right before I told him to leave." Ali explained.

I gulped. I've seen those red eyes in person. I knew what he was turning into. Nathan was going to become a demon. A blood thirsty evil demon.

"Elena? Are you okay?" Ali frowned searching my eyes.

I sighed, "Yeah. I know who he is getting help from."

"What?! Who?!" Ali squealed nervously.

"A old friend." I cried.

I decided to tell Ali everything. From when I had left for those five days to the dreams I had of Rain. She sat patiently waiting and listening to me explain. When I was done, she stared at me.

"So this Rain girl, turned into a demon?" Ali asked.

"Yeah." My head dropped looking down into my lap.

"We have to tell Zack and the family. Maybe he can find out more." Ali said hopeful.


"After dinner we will tell them what he have discovered. Okay?" Ali smiled.

"Okay." I agreed.

"We all will be able to protect you better. From what we have come to a conclusion." Ali assured.

I smiled at her, "Let's finish getting ready."

She nodded, "What are you going to do with your hair?"

"Keep it in my fishtail braid. I just have to find something to wear and put make up on."

"I know the perfect dress!" Ali ran to my closet, searching through my clothes. "Yes!" She brung me a strapless sapphire sparky dress that flowed to my feet.

I looked for a pair of diamond sapphire earrings and necklace. I still had the commitment ring Zack gave me before the New Moon ceremony, on my finger.

Ali picked out a dress similar to the style as mine. It was bright sunflower yellow with gold earrings, bracelets and a necklace. Her natural strawberry blonde curls ending a little below her shoulders.

"Make up time." Ali cheered.

I sat down in a chair and let Ali do my make up. When she was done I looked into a mirror. She had done a light shade of grey eye shadow, with red blush. Black mascara an eye liner and clear lip gloss.

"I love it." I grinned. "Thank you."

"Let me do my make up then were ready." Ali smiled.

We looked our selves over then walked down the sixth flight stairs.

"You really need a elevator." Ali sighed out of breathe.

"I think we have one but I don't know where it is."

"Defiantly need to find it." She declared.

"Yes." I agreed.


After dinner Ali cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Ali do you have something to say?" Jason smiled lovingly at her.

"When me and Elena was getting dressed we came up with a conclusion." Ali informed.

"What was it?" Zack held my hand, looking an searching my eyes.

"I think I know who is helping Nathan." Zack growled to the mentioned of Nathan's name.

"Who? Elena who do you think is helping him?" My mother looked at me, scared.

So I began telling my family what I had told Ali. They reacted with calm, and patience for me. Listening to every word I said. Zack would rub my back for support and Jason would pat my arm.

"So that is where you were when you left?" My father said. I nodded in response.

"So she came to you in a dream?" Jason asked. I nodded again silently.

"Have you every heard anything like that?" My mother looked at Zack for answers. He only looked at my father.

"I have." My father spoke up.

"You have?" Jason asked.

"Yes. I've done it before. To find out information from kidnapped pack members." My father sipped on his wine. "It's highly dangerous to dream walk."

"Darling, this is the first time I've heard about this." My mother frowned.

"It was only knowledge between Alpha Thomas, myself, and Ali's father." He explained.

"How strong do you have to be, to be able to dream walk?" Jason asked.

"A high title for wolves such as Alphas, Betas, and third commands. For vampires you have to be royal or have high ranks. For witches, leaders of the clan." Zack said.

"Can you dream walk?" I asked.

"Yes. It's easier between mates." He informed.

"So that how you knew I dreamed about you that night?" I blushed.

"Yes." Zack smirked.

"Can me and Elena dream walk?" Jason asked our father.

"With training you could. When Elena mates fully with Zack she will have a easier time to dream walk. When Zack marks Elena, and Elena him it will be instinct to dream walk." My father smiled a small smile.

"Elena, how did you meet Rain?" My mother asked, concern in her voice.

"At a pack joining party back in the fall, three years ago."

"What was her parents names and titles?" My father asked.

"From what she told me she was adopted into the pack. Her original pack was attacked by rogues when she was young. Only children an some elders lived, her included." I said.

"The Star Pack, they were the biggest pack around before the attack. I remember it well, my brother Eric and Seth were sent to straighten it out. When they got there it was already to late." Zack explained.

"We need to find out who her parents were." Ali spoke.

"I agree." Jason said.

"I'll call some of my contacts to see what they can find out." My father said.

"Okay. I'm going to make a few calls as well. I'm going to send for three of my friends to join us, if you all don't mind." Zack said.

"It's fine. We need more people on our side to help sort out this mess." I smiled at him.

Heyyy guys! If you want to know how to make a peanut butter cheesecake! I'll tell you! I make it all the time for my boyfriend! He loves it! Very yummy for peanut butter lovers! So here's how to make it quickly:

You can buy a no bake cheese cake in a box. Do what it says to do. But read all of my instructions first!

Melt peanut butter in the microwave, probably will take 2 minutes but depends on the voltage. Make sure the peanut butter is completely melted. Don't forget to use a microwave safe bowl!

Now after you make the crust, pour some of the peanut butter on top of it. Then follow the directions for the filling, pour the peanut butter into it. It will be thicker then normal!

Okay now your going to pour the filling onto the crust. Make sure you mix the filling good!

Then pour a little more peanut butter on top of the filling. Put it in the fridge an let it cool. When it's cool it's done.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and whoever makes my peanut butter cheesecake!

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