Murder Plans and Mourning

Start from the beginning

 "The managers. They plan to put on your show and then catch and possibly kill you." Erik paused and looked at Juliette's face which showed no small amount of fear.         

   "Do you really think they're going to catch me?" he said. 

 "I honestly don't know Erik. They're bringing the police in now. The only thing I know at this point is that I couldn't bear it if something happened to you." Juliette replied. 

"You ran all the way down here, injuring yourself in the process, simply to warn me?" Erik shook his head a wry smile on his face. "You never cease to surprise me, Juliette. I appreciate the warning. Now I can prepare for whatever they plan. But I don't want you to worry over me." 

"I can't help it! Everything is just going mad!" said Juliette. 

"I suppose it is but I'm not going to back down. I promise you that I will do my best to stay safe. But right now I think that you have something else to worry about." Erik said. 

"What do you mean?" she asked. 

"I see you haven't read the script for Don Juan yet. If I recall correctly there happens to be a solo dance in the second act that I requested you do." Erik said giving her a small half smile. 

"A solo? In your opera Erik? Are you serious?" Juliette asked in shock. This opera was his life's work and he had written in a dance specifically for her. 

"Yes, I am entirely serious." Stated Erik as Juliette hugged him. "Thank you. I promise I won't disappoint you!" she said excitedly. 

"I never thought you would. Now I think you should hurry upstairs. And be careful with those hands of yours." he told her. "Will do." Said Juliette, giving a mock salute before heading out of the lair. 

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Erik hadn't been totally surprised by the revelation that those fools who ran his theatre and the Vicomte were trying to capture him. However, that did not make Juliette's desperate run down to his home any less touching. 

He did feel a little bad about causing her worry. Erik went to his writing desk and began to plan out what to do next. Perhaps now was also a good time to check on Christine, he thought to himself. Heading to one of the passages he searched around the opera house until he heard his angel's voice just near the hallway to the girl's dormitory. Erik could also distinguish Meg Giry's voice. 

"Are you sure you don't want someone to go with you to the graveyard?" Meg asked. 

"No thank you Meg. I need to talk to my father alone." Christine said. 

So, she was going to the graveyard. Perhaps this is a chance for me to get her back, Erik thought to himself. He hurried outside and found an unattended carriage. Quickly pulling his wide-brimmed hat down he waited for Christine to come out. 

Not long after Christine came out. In the dark she did not notice who was driving. She entered the carriage after giving him the address. And they drove to the graveyard. Once she had gotten out of the carriage and was in the graveyard, Erik carefully climbed down and headed to a mausoleum which he hid climbed up and hid behind. 

Erik watched as Christine sang to her father in a longing and angelic voice. He fell in love with her more and more each time he saw and heard her. Once her song had finished he decided it was time to make his move.

Wandering Child                                                                                                                                                                So lost, so helpless                                                                                                                                                             Yearning for my guidance

Angel or father                                                                                                                                                                        Friend or Phantom                                                                                                                                                                Who is that there staring? 

Christine sang in return as she turned to see him as if half in a daze.                                                         Have you forgotten your angel? 

He sang softly and hypnotically just as he had in the passages as he took her to his home.                Angel, oh, speak,                                                                                                                                                                     What endless longing                                                                                                                                                           Echoes in this whisper 

Now it was his turn to sing,                                                                                                                                         Too long you've wandered in winter                                                                                                                  Far from my fathering gaze...           

 Wildly my mind beats against you

You resist...                                                                                                                                                                       But your soul obeys! 

Now they both sang as Christine faced him throwing her arms out,                                                               Angel of Music                                                                                                                                                                       You/I denied you/me                                                                                                                                                 Turning from true beauty                                                                                                                                           Angel of  Music! Do not shun me/My protector                                                                                               Come to your/me strange angel                                                                                                                                                             

I am your Angel of Music                                                                                                                                              Come to your Angel of Music 

It was working, she was coming towards him. Suddenly, the Vicomte came running into the graveyard yelling at Christine to stop, making her snap out of the trance-like state she was in. She ran into the Vicomte's arms. 

"Bravo monsieur," he called tauntingly as he threw a small device that caused a small flame to erupt right where the couple was about to step. 

"Order your fine horses," in frustration Erik gave what sounded like a maniacal laugh and threw another few flames as the lovers tried to escape. At last he let them go, but as they left he called in a furious voice.

 "Now, let it be war upon you both!"

Author's Note: Aww:( Poor Erik's going off the deep end a bit. No pointless sword fight here folks. The Phantom was an assasin and would not lose to the Vicomte anyway and fireballs are cooler. If you like the story please leave a note in the comments below until next time!

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