The Unexpected Note

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Meg and Juliette reached the kitchen and Juliette could immediately smell the hot soup mentioned by Meg. Both girls grabbed bowls, got soup, and sat down. Slowly the rest of the ballet rat and stage hands filed in and sat down along with them.

"So," said one of the stage hands, "you're the new dancer. Want to tell us about yourself? I'm Jaime by the way." He gave her a friendly smile. Juliette paused. She had not thought of what to tell for a cover story.

"I was born in America but my family moved to France when I was young. My mother taught me to dance. A few years ago, my parents died in a fire. I have no living relatives so I came here to dance so I wouldn't end up on the streets." Juliette thanked God that she was quick at thinking on her feet and hoped that they believed her.

"So, what you mean is that you are basically a charity case." This came from a platinum blond haired girl with green eyes who looked about twelve. Juliette would have called her pretty were it not for the icy look the girl was giving her. A mean girl in the making, Juliette thought to herself

"Oh, be quiet Marietta! It isn't as if you are superior to any of us just because you're one of the eldest. Juliette has been here less than a week and you are already harping on her," snapped a girl who I believed was called Mary Ann. She too looked to be one of the older girls Juliette would guess about thirteen. At this a couple other ballerinas added their own comments. Seeing she was outnumbered the green-eyed girl got up and left with a few ballerinas trailing behind.

"Don't worry about her," said one of the ballerinas from the corps de ballet. Her name was Sorelli. "She's just an uppity ballet rat who thinks she is better than everyone just because her family has more money." Jaime snorted.

"Yes, her life goal is to catch some handsome man and not have to do anything." His comment was met with agreement. The rest of dinner continued on without incident. More people were introduced and it seemed as if those at the opera house were very welcoming.

"Sorry if we didn't seem too welcoming when you came in. Everyone was just worried about making o much noise and getting scolded by Madame Giry," said Mary Ann pushing back a stray wisp of black hair.

"Oh yes, Madame Giry is probably the best ballet mistress in France but good lord is she strict. You don't want to cross her. She can be a perfectionist when it comes to dancing." This came from a man called Alexander who was also in the corps de ballet.

Finally, everyone began to leave and the younger girls as she headed back to her dormitory. As she followed Meg out Juliette felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Darby, one of the older stage hands and second in command to Buquet. He looks to be in his mid-forties. He had brown hair and there was stubble showing on his chin. He emanated an almost fatherly aura.

"If anyone gives you trouble in particular that drunken fool Buquet feel free to come and tell me or Madame Giry. There ain't no good reason for him to be harassing you girls." He said in his Irish accent. Juliette smiled up at him.

"Thanks, I will," she said be for running after Meg.


Marietta was telling a story when Juliette reached the dorm and she ignored the girl as she got ready for bed. However, here her attention was peaked when she heard the words Opera Ghost reached her ears. Despite knowing practically all there is to know about The Phantom Juliette knew that she would have to put on an air of ignorance if she was not to arouse suspicion.

"Excuse me?" She said. "I have heard this Phantom mentioned a couple times. Who or what is he." This got a cold laugh out of Marietta.

"Well, if you are going to be staying here you may as well know. The Phantom is a creature who haunts this opera house," she said.

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