Chapter 1: How it all began

Start from the beginning

Just as I was about to answer him, I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up, I saw the person none other than all might. He gave me a big smile and then the smile disappeared when he turned to face the villain and said, "Because I am here!!" I could feel tears run down my face as I realized what was happening, all might is here and he would save my mom!

As all might said that, the villain grabbed out a knife and pointed it to my mother's throat as he said, "Take one more step, I dare you, that is if you want the bitch dead." I gulped and stood there frozen in place unable to move because of fear. All might be trying to talk the villain out of it saying he won't punish him if he lets go of my mom. The villain didn't care about that, he cared more about completing his mission.

As things were progressing, It looked as if nothing was happening. All might be tried to approach the villain bit whenever he moved closer the villain would put the knife closer to my mom's neck.

I was becoming desperate and I would occasionally shout to the villain to let my mom go, but it only made him laugh.

I became so scared for my mom I started praying to God, to anything to help us get my mother back safely. And as if God himself answered my prayer, I heard a voice say, "Then why don't you save her yourself?" When I heard the four angelic voices (2 male, 2 female) say that. I suddenly began to glow all kinds of colours and soon they all combined and became a black radiating light. All might, the villain and my mom looked at me in shock and complete amazement as my body began to rise from the ground and began spinning until underneath me was a mini tornado. I sent the tornado at the villain, and just before it hit him he took his knife and stabbed my mom where her heart was and said: "If I can't complete my mission and have to die, then she will die with me!!" After he said that, the tornado swept him up and flew him to all might, who snapped out of his trance and put handcuffs on the villain's hands.

He then turned to me and asked me "are you all right, miss?" "yes, I'm fine. But my mother! She got stabbed!!" I yelled out as I ran towards her. All might runs to me and my mom picking her up bridal style and told me "we better hurry, there's a hospital nearby, hold on to my neck and don't let go." I held on to his neck as tightly as I could as he told me to, and he crouched down and took off like a rocket launching into the sky.

We were at the hospital within minutes and when the nurses saw all might me and my injured mom. They quickly took her inside and into the operation room. I waited with all might for an hour, occasionally crying my eyes out while all might comforted me.

We then saw a doctor come out of the operation room as he headed towards us. When he got to us he gave the two of us a sad smile and then told me and all might, "Unfortunately, the injury your mother had was very serious, but she will live." I sighed with relief when the doctor continued, "Except we don't know how long, we have neither the equipment or the quirk we need to keep her alive. Right now her heart is only beating because of the machine she has attached, but who knows how long she has left."

I was speechless, I was in shock, I didn't know how to take all this in. My mom didn't have long left to live?! "Please doctor, there must be something, anything to keep my mom alive!?" "I'm sorry to say this but, like I said before, we have neither equipment nor quirk to heal her, as the knife she was stabbed with was part of a quirk, the man could transfer poison into the knife to kill someone, but as of right now there is no way of getting the poison out."

After he finished talking, I kneeled down on the floor, shock and horror clear on my face. "No, this can't be happening," I whispered. "My mum is the only person I have in my life! Without her, I'm going to be alone. Please, you have to save her!" I said while tears were running down my eyes. "We can't do anything to help, I'm sorry unless you have a healing quirk that can extract the poison, it's not going to work."

All of a sudden another doctor came out of the operations room, but his face had a grim expression. "Are you Izuma Midoriya?" "Yes, that's me." I replied, "I have some news for you, I think it would be best for you to sit down." I did as told and the man carried on. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but, due to the poison your mom had in her heart, the machine couldn't support her heart and she died." hearing this, I fell to the floor crying out all of my emotions and feelings. Until I felt someone picking me up bridal style. I look up and see all might sitting down with me in his arms. I then say to him, "This can't be happening, please, tell me this is just a bad dream." I plead with all might while crying into his chest. "I'm afraid it is, young one, but if it eases your pain and fear of being alone, it would be my pleasure to adopt you." He says this while messing up my hair. I look up at him in disbelief, after I process what he said, a faint smile appears on my face as tears flow down my cheek. "Yes please, it would definitely make me feel better."

After a while, the doctors got in contact with some lawyers who gave all might some adoption papers which he filled in and after a couple of hours, I was officially all might's daughter (adopted). Not only that but all might also asked about my quirk, but when I told him I don't have a quirk, he explained to me that I do and what happened when I used it. I was amazed to hear about this as I had thought I was quirkless.

After everything was done and we left the hospital. All might showed me his house, and boy it was huge! He showed me around and told me where my room will be, he even got all of my things and brought them there. He told me he would train me to use my quirk, but, it didn't take long to find out my quirk consists of many abilities.

I also went to my moms funeral which brought back many memories of her, both good and bad. But I knew deep down, I'll never forget her.

So how did you like the first part of this story? To be honest, I was getting really emotional writing this, and honestly I feel like I made some mistakes writing this, but oh well.

This chapter has exactly 2034 words!

The Anything black hero: Izuma MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now