Chapter Thirty-Six

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"How about starting small?" I offered, "Changing dorms? You're barely there anyways." I squeezed her a little, getting a small laugh out of her. 

Genesis shifted so that she was against me but could look out the window where the sun was falling into the skyline. "I can try."

"I have to ask." I said after a moment of silence, knowing she was watching the sky bruise purple. "What's in the bag?"

Gen moved it out of my reach when I tried to touch the bag. "You'll have to wait."

"Pleaseee." I whined against her hair, tightening my arms around her middle. 

Gen giggled, "No, Dylan." 

"Is it for the party?" 

"It might be." A grin crossed her lips as she turned around, "Have you ever been to a blacklight party?"

"Seeing as raves haven't been big since the 90's, I have to say that I haven't." Moving from off of the wall, I fitted my fingers with her as we walked towards the doors I'd come in from. "Have you?"

"To be honest, I'm not much of a party person." Gen admittedly said, "I have been to one, but it wasn't much of anything."

"Because you seem like such the party girl." I teased, seeing Will wave us over to a cluster of them that had formed. "Are we all going together?"

"Yeah, Hank called in a limo for us." Chris said, "But the real problem is the shit we're going to get from Jacob and Blake tomorrow."

"They're not exactly happy that they can't come." Kaya said, walking over next to Genesis with a bag in her own hands. 

"When they turn twenty one, we'll take them to a club, but until then, i'm not getting arrested." Dexter had changed into a white shirt purposefully for the party, "They'll get over it."

"Or, we can go to England where the drinking age is properly at 18." Thomas suggested, "They wouldn't have to wait as long."

"I think Blake would argue against either way, seeing as he's got a while." I said, not hearing what Kaya had said to Gen.

"Hey, loiterers." Hank whistled between his fingers, opening the side stage door. "It's not my party. The limo's waiting." 

"Thank God." Will looked around, "Everyone have their i.d.'s?"

"No hangovers, all right?" Hank said as we filed out of the studio. "We have location filming to do tomorrow and I will personally beat up whoever can't say the alphabet backwards."

"What would we do without you, Hank?" I patted his shoulder, smiling at the glare he gave me. I glanced to Gen as she walked next to me, her hand still in mine. "He secretly loves all of us."

Gen laughed, "I can tell." She climbed into the limo, having to take a second look. She'd never been in a limo before; it was the easiest thing to tell from her expression.

"Do we have a plan for this or are we going in half assed?" Ki asked, lounging back in the corner seat.

"Do we ever go into a club without it being half assed?" Chris asked, shoving Ki's legs off of the seat so he could sit next to him.

"How about we make the plan to have fun?" Kaya sat between Gen and Will, leaning over and whispering in Gen's ear once the limo door shut all of us inside.

"That's a given, genius." Thomas said, checking his phone. "Drinks are half off tonight." He stated, looking up from the information of the club on his screen. 

"Things just keep getting better and better." Cazi said with a grin, "Who's the DJ?"

"The Bloody Beetroots." Thomas lifted an eyebrow, "Never heard of them."

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