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I sat on my bed while staring out of my window. I was upset, Furious even but the expression on my sisters face made my heart hurt but I didn't care. At least I didn't Want to care. I ran my hand through my hair and picked out an outfit for today.
I opened my door and walked out while slamming my door. I walked down the steps to see my mom with a plate of breakfast in her hand. I also saw that my sister was sitting down near the kitchen on the sofa. I felt bad for her, I cared about her but I didn't want it to show. I took one more step down the stairs and I saw mom running towards me with the plate still in her hand.
Mom said, "Hi Sweetie."
I put my hands in my pocket and said, "Hi, mom," in the sweetest tone I could manage. 

She said, "I made you breakfast."

I said, "Oh thanks but, I'm not hungry I have to hurry to school."

Mom pouted and I sighed and grabbed a piece of bacon while saying, "Thanks."

She smiled and I looked over at Lena and smirked. 

I said, "How about you give it to Lena?"

I turned back to my mom and watched her reactions. She snarled. Mom walked over towards Lena and threw the plate on the ground near her. I watched the scene play in front of my eyes. I was pleased to see my sister frowning, soaked with anger and frustration. I walked towards the door while smiling to myself. 

While walking I heard my mom say, "Clean that up before you leave with Jaxon."

I turned my head slightly and I saw Lena kneeling down to pick up the plate. 


She deserves this, She deserves everything coming her way and more. I walked out of the door and towards my Black Race Car. I sat in the driver's seat and saw my sister coming towards the car in my mirror. Lena's hand reached the door. I locked it and saw her facial expression. It was priceless...Agony, Depression, Anger, and Sadness all missed into one Emotion. I couldn't help But to laugh. 

I rolled down the window and said, "Walk."

I smiled and rolled my window back up and pulled out of the driveway. While pulling away I saw Lena walking down the street towards the Bus stop. 

A part of me wants to turn around, Pick her up, Hug her, And say, "I'm sorry, I love you."

But the other part of me says, "Just leave her and let her suffer."

I decided to listen to my Devil that was sitting on my shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my sister but 7 years ago I've felt so unwanted and I want her to feel that way. 7 years ago I found out that my parents were going to get a divorce. I was heartbroken and when I went to my sister for comfort, she was with our father. They were talking. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I did.

Dad said, "Honey, one day I will take you with me back to California."

My sister smiled with the most joyful expression.

She then said, "What about Jaxon?"

He waved his long finger then poked her nose and said, "Just you."

She smiled and said, "Fine by me."

They hugged.

I was hurt because it wasn't the fact my father said those words but, I was hurt because my own sister-who I have loved since she was a baby- practically said that she was fine by leaving me. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay with me, I wanted her by my side, I wanted her to always be there for me. In my heart, I had this hatred, this inferiority complex towards her. So I decided to hurt her, to make my sister feel the pain she gave me.

I guess I became a Cold Hearted Devil towards her. 




And I'm fine with that.

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